雅思阅读真题:From A Novice to An Expert从新手到

发布时间:2016-11-02 14:24

10月29日雅思考试阅读部分又考到了9分达人阅读真题还原及解析3&4的原题,分别为Passage 2与《9分达人雅思听力真题还原及解析4》Test 5 Passage 1原题重现;Passage3与《9分达人雅思听力真题还原及解析3》Test 3 Passage 3 原题重现,原文为:Accidental Scientists偶然的科学家,小编有在雅思阅读频道分享过此篇文章哦!本次分享的是依然是来自《9分达人雅思阅读真题还原及解析3》的阅读真题回忆,2007年、2009年、2010年都考过哦!

From A Novice to An Expert


Expertise is commitment coupled with creativity. Specifically, it is the commitment of time, energy, and resources to a relatively narrow field of study and the creative energy necessary to generate new knowledge in that field. It takes a considerable amount of time and regular exposure to a large number of cases to become an expert。

An individual enters a field of study as a novice. The novice needs to learn the guiding principles and rules of a given task in order to perform that task. Concurrently; the novice needs to be exposed to specific cases, or instances, that test the boundaries of such principles. Generally, a novice will find a mentor to guide her through the process of acquiring new knowledge. A fairly simple example would be someone learning to play chess. The novice chess player seeks a mentor to teach her the object of the game, the number of spaces, the names of the pieces, the function of each piece, how each piece is moved, and the necessary conditions for winning or losing the game.

In time, and with much practice, the novice begins to recognise patterns of behavior within cases and, thus, becomes a journeyman. With more practice and exposure to increasingly complex cases, the journeyman finds patterns not only within cases but also between cases. More importantly, the journeyman learns thak these patterns often repeat themselves over time. The journeyman still maintains regtdar contact with a mentor to solve specific problems and learn more complex strategies. Returning to the example of the chess player, the individual begins to learn patterns of opening moves, offensive and defensive game-playing strategies, and patterns of victory and defeat.

When a journeyman starts to make and test hypotheses about future behavior based on past experiences, she begins the next transition. Once she creatively generates knowledge, rather than simply matching superficial patterns, she becomes an expert. At this point, she is confident in her knowledge and no longer needs a mentor as a guide—she becomes responsible for her own knowledge. In the chess example, once a journeyman begins competing against experts, makes predictions based on patterns, and tests those predictions against actual behavior, she is generating new knowledge and a deeper understanding of the game. She is creating her own cases rather than relying on the cases of others.

The Power of Expertise

An expert perceives meaningful patterns in her domain better than non-experts. Where a novice perceives random or disconnected data points, an expert connects regular patterns

雅思阅读真题:From A Novice to An Expert从新手到

雅思阅读真题:From A Novice to An Expert从新手到


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雅思阅读真题:From A Novice to An Expert从新手到

雅思阅读真题:From A Novice to An Expert从新手到

雅思阅读真题:From A Novice to An Expert从新手到

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