1.What job would you like to have ten years from now? [Why?]
Well, to be honest,, I don t know. When i look that far ahead, it all gets a bit misty I normally only look 2 or 3 years ahead. I've learnt that plans can change at a mo-ment's notice, so other than working in an international bank, I don t really have an answer for you, I' m afraid.
Oh,I want to be a manager or a team leader in an Economics think tank. Partly because my major is International Business Management, so I want to do something with it, but also because I believe that economic theories are needed by everyone around the world.
2. How useful will English be for your future? [Why/Why not?]
Now thats a much easier question! Extremely, totally and absolutely. English isn't ust useful. It's crucial if you want to succeed in this world. As the predominant business language, you can't do any form of any international trade without it.
Incredibly! Economics is vital to all the countries on the planet and with English being the base business language, it is not just important, but vital to communication between each other in an effective way.
3. How much travelling do you hope to do in the future? [Why/Why no?]
With any luck,, quite a lot. m going to be studying for my Master's abroad in the UK, so that ll be a good start. I'd like to travel around Europe and even take a peek at the States, you know, L.A. and San Francisco. Id also like to go south and see New Zealand and Australia.
Well, if i have time, Id like to be a real jet-setter and travel all over. I'm a real food-lover, so hopefully with my future lifestyle, I'll be able to taste the cuisine of all the countries of our little blue marble.
4. How do you think your life will change in the future? [Why/Why no?]
Well, I'm no seer, but I think my life will change for the better. That's the plan anyway. When I find a good job, then a husband and then have a family, I think my life will be very different from what it is now.
Cor,that' s really quite a hard question to answer,, but I suppose it might be that I emigrate to another country for work, I don t know, maybe even England. As long as they re positive changes, you know, for the better, I dont really mind.