剑桥雅思10Test3口语Part3范文-parents and children

发布时间:2017-05-16 20:27


  1. How much time do children spend with their parents in your country? Do you think that is enough?

  参考 回答 1 In my country we have what are called “helicopter parents” . They are parents who don’ t spend much time with their children due to focusing on their careers and providing for the child economically rather than socially. They tend to only interact with the child when a problem arises, hence the term “helicopter parent” .

  参考 回答 2 In my country, parents often spend a lot of time with their children, playing with them, reading to them and making sure that the child grows up with a healthy support network around them. If there’ s any negative side to this it could be that the parent are smothering the child, crowding him or her without recognising that a child needs privacy and a space to learn things for itself.


  2. How important do you think spending time together is for the relationships between parents and children? Why?

  参考 回答 1 I think spending time with children is not really important nowadays, since television, the internet and school provide more education for a child than a parent ever will. In effect, a parent is there to merely support whatever a child has learned from their environment.

  参考 回答 2 Time spent together is the main factor in the development of a child, and I think people tend to forget that parents are also developing – it’ s not like a person stops changing or growing intellectually once they reach the age of 21. A child gets a lot of its views from the parents, and tends to filter society through its parents eyes. Therefore, a healthy relationship with an adult is necessary for a child to make sense of the world around it.


  3. Have relationships between parents and children changed in recent years? Why do you think that is?

  参考 回答 1 I think relationships have definitely changed – a hundred years ago, the parent was virtually the sole authority figure a child could talk to. Nowadays, children can talk to anyone in the world online and hear their opinions about the world. Whether this is a good or bad thing remains to be seen.

  参考 回答 2 I think the core essence of the relationship between parents and children hasn’ t really changed, but the environment has. A child is still going to look at their parents with more love and treat their opinions with more respect than that of a stranger.


  4. What are the most popular free- time activities with children today?

  参考 回答 1 Popular free time activities among children today mainly revolve around posting things on the internet and talking about their feelings with other people on the internet. Also, playing video games and worrying about their future, apparently. I’ m pretty glad I’ m not a child today.

  参考 回答 2 Popular free- time activities with children today are climbing trees, making friends, drawing pictures and writing poetry. Just joking – most children spend their time today playing video games and watching TV.


  5. Do you think the free- time activities children do today are good for their health? Why is that?

  参考 回答 1 I think most free- time activities are kind of bad for children’ s health. They sit in classes all day, come home – sit and do their homework, then sit and play video games. Then we wonder why child obesity is a problem.

  参考 回答 2 Where I live, most children play games in the same way that children have always played games – running around screaming, making up the rules as they go along. Adults think this is cute and funny, but really the children are just preparing themselves for life as an adult, where we run around screaming and making up rules as we go along while wearing suits. This is good for both physical and mental health.


  6. How do you think children’ s activities will change in the future? Will this be a positive change?

  参考 回答 1 I think in the future, children will be playing on hoverboards and flying around on jetpacks while their legs atrophy to the point of uselessness. Either that, or they’ ll spend their time permanently plugged into the internet while their entire body wastes away into nothingness. Or they’ ll still be playing with Lego, I don’ t know.

  参考 回答 2 I think in the future we’ ll see a backlash against the kind of things children do today, like playing video games and watching TV. As parents realise that this is harmful, they’ ll stop letting their children continue with such harmful activities and make them exercise more, or play with other children.


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