首页>ACT >2016年12月10日亚太ACT写作真题及范文


2016-12-13 17:11来源:互联网作者:上海管理员



  2016年12月10日亚太ACT写作-Preparing for the Future

  The future is uncertain. Some go to great lengths to command greater control of their environment and surroundings to gain a greater sense of predictability. In the end, what tomorrow brings can never be guaranteed. Then why do we devote so much time and effort preparing for it? Why not enjoy the present? As no one is guaranteed a certain outcome of the future, it’s worth examining the value we place on planning the future.

  Read and carefully consider these perspectives. Each suggests a particular way of thinking about the impact of the trend towards preparing for the future.

  Perspective One

  We shouldn’t waste our youth on a future that is unpredictable. Instead, we should enjoy every opportunity in our daily life.

  Perspective Two

  The future is uncertain.It is exactly why the preparation for the future at present is valuable.It reduces risk.

  Perspective Three

  Our future unfolds according to a simple fate.Our planning for the future is to create a comfortable illusion of life.


  2016年12月10日亚太ACT写作Essay Task

  Write a unified, coherent essay about the impact of the trend towards preparing for the future. In your essay, be sure to:

  • clearly state your own perspective on the issue and analyze the relationship between your perspective and at least one other perspective

  • develop and support your ideas with reasoning and examples

  • organize your ideas clearly and logically

  • communicate your ideas effectively in standard written English

  Your perspective may be in full agreement with any of those given, in partial agreement, or completely different.


  2016年12月10日亚太ACT写作范文-Preparing for the Future

  Since man has inhabited the earth, only one thing has always remained certain: change. What separates humans from animals is self-awareness and ability to alter their environment to enhance chances of survival. To subsist in the past, incessant preparation was imperative; but the most important factor for survival in today’s world the ability to extemporaneously adapt to the unknown.

  There is a certain amount of truth to the belief that preparation minimizes risk. Just several generations ago at the turn of the 20th century, it was common for workers to find a job that would lead to a lifelong career. How was this job initially found? Generally, through specific training and preparation to display enough competence to gain employment. Whether becoming a doctor, lawyer, factory worker, entertainer, etc., showing that one had prepared through proper training was the entry point to land a lifelong career with a company or government entity. Benefits packages and pensions were guaranteed after a fixed period of service was completed. This form of employment led to risk reduction and allowed people to afford a comfortable lifestyle while raising a family. The notion of education became the standard for preparation for the future, has steadily grown from 12 (high school diploma) to 16 years (college diploma) to 18 (post-graduate degree) during the 20th century. However, overpreparation for a career can quickly result in obsolescence (due to marketing or technological shifts) if the wrong path is chosen.

  The the last two decades has turned the notion of preparation on its head. The free flow of information in cyberspace has made it simple for anyone to get an education or acquire skills on-demand. Furthermore, jobs that were once conducted by humans are now completed more effectively and efficiently by machines, completely changing the idea of lifelong employment by companies and governments. Others have lost their jobs and careers due to rapid market changes and globalization. For example, hundreds of thousands of workers that spent years preparing for a job in telecommunications in the 1980s and 1990s lost their jobs in the early 2000s during the proliferation of the Internet and VoIP technologies. Construction workers in the real estate industry lost their jobs after a market crash in the 2007, and many were never able to return to their previous occupations. The rate of change in the world has accelerated since the inception of the information age; old jobs are being destroyed and unprecedented jobs are being created every year. A case in point–the rise of mobile phone programmers becoming one of the most in-demand occupations is a phenomenon that developed in less than 10 years! If this isn’t scary enough, election cycles, such as the recent election of Donald Trump, cause companies and markets to to rework domestic and international strategy and due to uncertainty (leading to layoffs, restructuring, etc.). The reality is that change is happening faster than ever before.

  To thrive in today’s world, young people should not be placing hope in preparing in the tradition sense of “go to school and get a good job”. Jobs just don’t last anymore. A better approach would be to learn to enjoy life while exploring unique skill sets that are transferrable across occupations – such as rapid learning, identifying emerging trends, developing general sales and entrepreneurial abilities, learning to quickly make friends and network well with others, etc. Learning how to interact and become adaptable to changes over time is of the essence. Young people today must be comfortable with uncertainty and the ability to change career trajectory or industries several times every decade or two, if not more.

  To summarize, the world is rapidly changing; preparation that was once considered useful is much less so today. Taking time to enjoy life and find one’s true passion is more important that attempting to “prepare” for what society thinks is best, because society itself cannot predict the future.


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