

2017-04-25 11:04来源:互联网作者:新航道托福


  2017年4月1日托福独立写作范文:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:When you have been friends with someone for a long time, it is important to continue your friendship with that person even if he or she does something you do not like.当你与一位好友交往颇深,如果他做了什么你不喜欢的事,有没有必要继续这段友谊?








  Throughout life, from kindergarten to the retirement home, we occasionally meet someone and make friends with him or her, sometimes for life, or at least for a sizable chunk of life. I bet each one must have a couple of childhood friends or close friends in middle schools and colleges, yet as we age, our priorities and responsibilities shift, and the number of friends drops off, especially when we get married. To some extent, some friends gradually become fragile pieces of memory, sliding into oblivion. So, when you have been friends with someone for a long time, I highly recommend continuing your friendship with that person even if he or she does something you do not like.

  Opponents of my opinion may argue that we could always forge new relationships after we terminate old ones. Their claim completely ignores the fact that like Rome, relationships, especially long-term friendships, are not built in one day. Only by devoting our energies to those we feel and care will the friendship stand the test of time and stay stable. Let's say your friend Alvin does not answer your phone call or reply to your private direct messages on Twitter. This situation lasts for almost a week. What would you do? Defriend him entirely and cut communication altogether simply because you don't believe he really cares about your relationship? It is true that when Alvin abuses your trust it hurts, but it is certainly worth taking sustained efforts to make your friendship work mainly because he may be undergoing a brain surgery, without calling you to reveal the truth or without any intention to speak to anybody in order to gain some private space for himself. In this case, try not to take his failure to return your calls the wrong way, but try to engage him in a hear-to-heart chat and provide him your support.

  Opponents may agree that we are well advised to forgive and forget, but they point out that there are times when the behavior of a friend is too intolerable for us to continue a friendship. For instance, Stephen may hook up with Klaus's girlfriend despite their long-term friendship. As far as I am concerned, this betrayal seldom occurs in real life while pervades in fictions, TV dramas or movies. Moreover, many people may not become as outrageous and vengeful as depicted in those works but may be able to confront such betrayal and work through the residual disagreements afterward.

  In summary, it is always worth doing our utmost to continue our friendship with an old friend, regardless of what happens between us.



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