

2016-11-26 15:20来源:互联网作者:上海管理员




  [. . .] The transportation planner’s job might involve conducting a traffic count to determine the daily number of vehicles traveling on the road to the new factory. If analysis of the traffic count indicates that there is more traffic than the current road as it is designed at this time can efficiently accommodate, the transportation planner might recommend widening the road to add another lane. [. . .]


  B) current design of the road right now

  C) road as it is now currently designed

  D) current design of the road ?

  This question asks students to determine the most economical way to express an idea clearly. Students must recognize that only one choice (choice D, “current design of the road”) expresses the idea clearly?and concisely, whereas other choices introduce various redundancies (“current” and “at this time” in choice A, “current”and “right now” in




  [. . .] As Kingman developed as a painter, his works were often compared to paintings by Chinese landscape artists dating back to CE 960, a time when a strong tradition of landscape painting emerged in Chinese art. Kingman, however, vacated from that tradition in a number of ways, most notably in that he chose to focus not on natural landscapes, such as mountains and rivers, but on cities. [. . .]


  B) evacuated

  C) departed

  D) retired

  This question asks students to determine which word makes the most sense in the context of a sentence from a passage about painter Dong Kingman. The best answer here is choice C because“departed” is the most contextually appropriate way to indicate that Kingman had deviated from the tradition of Chinese landscape painting in a number of ways. Each of the other choices also conveys a sense of “leaving,” but none is as effective in the sentence, as it would be both awkward and unconventional to describe a person as vacating, evacuating, or retiring from a tradition in a number of ways. In this sort of question, students must demonstrate not only facility with language in general but also skill in using language in particular contexts to convey meaning clearly and precisely.

  本题选择C, 考查单词,sat要求考生写作不仅要语法正确并且要求精确和清晰,这个题符合此要求,在老SAT中也有此知识点,例如:


  For (A) any mayor of a vast metropolitan area, an understanding of(B) current issues in all districts is (C) not only desirous (D) but also vital. No error (E)

  本题是老SAT的题,考的是单词的用法,本题选择D,应该改为desirable, 词义更精确。



  [. . . ] During his career, Kingman exhibited his work internationally. He garnered much acclaim. [. . . ]Which choice most effectively combines the sentences at the underlined portion?

  A) internationally, and Kingman also garnered

  B) internationally; from exhibiting, he garnered

  C) internationally but garnered

  D) internationally, garnering

  This question asks students to demonstrate skill in combining sentences smoothly and logically. Students must demonstrate an appreciation?of the subtleties of language by recognizing that while all of the?choices create grammatical sentences, only one choice (choice D, “internationally, garnering”) preserves the writer’s intended meaning (unlike choice C, “internationally but garnered,”which illogically makes the two ideas in the sentence seem at odds with each other) and avoids clumsy repetition (unlike choice B,“internationally; from exhibiting, he garnered”) or a weak and unclear connection among ideas (unlike choice A, “internationally, and Kingman also garnered”).



  Though best known (A) as a jazz vocalist, he also enjoyed (B)

  gospel music, whereby (C) he told his manager that he wanted to

  make a recording of (D) his favorite gospel songs. No error (E)

  本题选择C,应改为so, 因为本题中whereby表凭借某种式,逻辑不通顺,因此应改为so.


  再例如IP中的考法: Which of the following is the best version of the underlined portion of sentence 8 and 9 (reproduced below)?In the process Lou Hoover designed for her two young sons a portable crib. It would remain stable during the rocking of a ship.

  crib so that it would remain stable

  crib, and it would remain stable

  crib that nevertheless remained stable

  crib that would remain stable

  crib. It was designed to remain stable




  [. . . ] His fine brushwork conveys detailed street-level activity: a peanut vendor pushing his cart on the sidewalk, a pigeon pecking for crumbs around a fire hydrant, an old man tending to a baby outside a doorway. His broader brushstrokes and sponge-painted shapes create majestic city skylines, with skyscrapers towering in the background, bridges connecting neighborhoods on either side of a river, and enormous ships maneuvering out of a busy harbor. To art critics and fans alike, these city scenes represent the innovative spirit of twentieth- century urban Modernism. [. . .] Which choice most effectively establishes the main topic of the paragraph?

  A) Kingman is considered a pioneer of the California Style school of painting.

  B) Although cities were his main subject, Kingman did occasionally paint natural landscapes.

  C) In his urban landscapes, Kingman captures the vibrancy of crowded cities.

  D) In 1929 Kingman moved to Oakland, California, where he attended the Fox Art School.


  This question asks students to demonstrate an understanding of the central point that the writer is making in the paragraph by choosing the sentence that best signals the paragraph’s main topic. Students must carefully analyze the information and ideas in the other sentences in the paragraph to recognize that urban landscapes (and not natural landscapes) are the primary focus (thereby making choice C the best answer and ruling out choice B) and that a detail about Kingman’s place in the California Style school of painting(choice A) or about Kingman’s background (choice D) would not effectively prepare the reader for the content that follows in the rest of the paragraph.

  本题选择C, 考查文章主旨,要求考生在阅读文章是迅速掌握文章主要内容,此题属于新题,之前的SAT对于文章主旨的考查主要是在IP中考查,为文章选择结论句,尽管相似但是还有不同,因此要求学生以后在学习SAT语法时要注重文章主要信息提取的能力。


  Which would make the best concluding sentence for the passage?Nevertheless, supermarkets are devoting increasingly more space to the display of organic foodstuffs.Ultimately, whether organic food's lower environmental impact continues to justify its higher cost will be decided by the consumer.And, as the cost of energy derived from conventional fuels rises,alternative sources will become economically viable.As an added benefit, when one sort of pollution is reduced, support for sound environmental practices grows.Still, the issue will not be resolved until the government clearly indicates what is "organic" and what is not.


相关热点: sat解析






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ACT强化托管班(6-8人,走读) 3-6人 64 ¥21800 在线咨询
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