
发布时间:2024-09-06 10:54


In your opinion, should governmentsregulate social media platforms, or should socialmedia companies regulate their platformsthemselves? Why do you think so?

社交媒体平台应该由政府监管,还是由自身监管?Andrew: 应该由自身监管。市面上的社交媒体很多,所以竞争很激烈。比如为了吸引父母,社交媒体平台可以宣传他们对儿童使用平台有严格的规定,这样可以吸引更多关心儿童安全的用户。

Claire: 社交媒体公司应该在对抗负面影响方面发挥积极作用,但这并没有发生。有很多虚假信息四处传播,有时会对人们的声誉造成无法弥补的损害。因此,政府应该对公司实施更严格的规定,他们应该受到不遵守规定的惩罚。


In the sediment of the Rhone River near Arles France, archaeologists discovered a life-size marble bust (artistic sculpture of the head and neck) that some claim is the oldest known representation of Julius Caesar, the famous leader of the Roman state, created around 46B.C.E. when Caesar was in his fifties. Those making the claim base it on three arguments.


Many experts on Roman art and culture do not support the conclusion that the Rhone river bust represents Julius Caesar. That's because the observations presented in the reading are very limited. lf we look at them more closely, we will see that thety are not useful in determining who is portrayed in this work of art and how old it is.


the style of realism;Style of sculptureFirst, the bust was made using the realist sculpture style that was introduced to Rome during Caesar's time. Older Roman sculpture styles often depicted people in an ideal way, ignoring any flaws in their appcarance and making them look younger. In contrast the principle of realism prevalent in Caesars' time was to represent people's' physical features faithfully, even if they were not attractive. The Rhone River bust is a completely realistic portrayal of a man in his fifties.

听力反驳:虽然在凯撒在世时确实流行现实主义风格,但这种风格在凯撒去世后仍然存在并在之后的几个世纪里仍然流行,这表明半身像可能来自比公元前世纪晚得多的时期。First. it's true the style of realism discusseoin the reading was particularly popular during Caesar's lifetime. However, the realist tradition in Roman art continued after Caesar died, and was popular for a number of centuries after his death. So the busvery well could have been made during a much later period than the first century BCE.


Resemblance to other portraits of Julius CaesarSecond, the bust shares some intriguing details with other portraits of Caesar that are known to have been made during Caesar's lifetime, For example, Caesar was depicted on money(silver coins) used during his rule. The coins show Caesar's hair to be much the same as it is represented in the Rhone River bust.


Second. the resemblance of the bust to depictions of Caesar on silver coins. While some aspects of the bust especially the hairstyle do match what we see on the coins other features do not, The coins show Caesar is having a very slim nose and a long neck. But the Rhone bust depicts Caesar's nose and neck differently. lf the bust reallre presented Caesar, we would expect all the features visible in the bust to be consistent with the other depictions of Caesar made during his lifetime.

3.半身像的发现位置可以作为证据支持观点: 人们出于政治相关的原因会处理掉凯撒的雕像,扔到河里是最简单的方式。

Location of bustThird, the fact that the bust was found in the Rhone River sediment supports the claim that it depicts Julius Caesar. Caesar was violently overthrown in 44 B.C.E. and replaced by another leader. In this circumstance, it could be politically dangerous for Roman citizens to keep a bust of Caesar. It might be interpreted as a lack of respect for the new leader. So it is likely that the bust of Caesar would have been disposed of very soon after 44 B.C.E. Throwing amarble bust into the deep Rhone River would have been agood way to get rid of it fast.

听力反驳:位置并不能给出太多信息。其他雕像也在河里被发现了 。例如,在半身像旁边就发现了一尊罗马海神尼普顿的雕像。任何人都没有必要因为政治原因扔掉海神的雕像,所以半身像很可能就是被单纯地扔掉了。河流实际上是罗马人处理垃圾的典型场所。

Third, the location of the bust in the Rhone river doesn't tell us much either. See, other statues were also found in the river. For example, a statue of Neptune, the Roman god of the ocean, was found in the river right next to the bust, There was no need for anyone to get rid of the statue of Neptune for political reasons. The statueof Neptune had simply been thrown away, so it's likely the bust was simply thrownaway as well. Rivers were actually typical places for Romans to dispose of their trash.

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