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What is the weather going to be like tomorrow in Beijing, China? Where did the Scottish bagpipes originate? What is Aristotle famous for? How many Euros equal one dollar?
To answer such questions in the "old" days一BI (Before the Internet)-a person would have to track down various sources in different physical places. The questioner, for example, would need to actually visit a local library to locate a world almanac (to predictBeijing's weather) or an encyclopedia (for the bagpipes' or Aristotle's history), or drive to a bank for the Euro equivalency. Now all of these questions (and millions more) can be accessed easily and swiftly from any computer connected to the Internet, from (almostliterally) any place in the world. Such a treasure trove of instant information is surely one of the most impressive and most useful developments of the last 20 years.
And yet, there is also an unending supply of useless, and often outright dangerous,information to be had from a few clicks of the keyboard. Users can fritter their time away for hours reading banal postings from their "friends" on Facebook. ("I just made some soup and now I think I'll take a nap.") They can download the "Stumbleupon" tool bar and spend the day lurching randomly from one site to another. More darkly, they can spend days and nights learning how to make a bomb, or adding to the political vitriol that is posted everywhere on the Web.
Access to information has always caused problems. Dissatisfied members of the Roman Catholic Church may have kept their complaints to themselves for much longer had Martin Luther not started the Protestant Reformation by "publishing" his 95 Theses by nailing them on the door of the church in Wittenburg. The slave-owning southernersin the US could not have been too happy when Harriet Beecher Stowe's book, Uncle Tom's Cabin incited 19th-century northerners to solidify their objections to the institution of slavery and consider the idea of a civil war. And just about every Bible-reading churchgoer was horrified by what Charles Darwin hypothesized in his Origin of Species (1859). Yes,information can be very dangerous.
As free people, however, it is up to us to use resources such as the Internet wisely; it is not for our governments to tell us what we can read or what we can learn. A little knowledge may indeed be a dangerous thing, but a broad understanding of the world and how it works will surely contribute to the common good in the long run.