
发布时间:2020-01-13 14:24



题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

The government should spend money on the construction of new buildings rather than on the preservation of old buildings.



有should建议类词汇,出现了两个选项,既可以看作建议类陈述也可以看作优劣对比,但rather than提示我们题干比较偏激,陈述为完全不保留原有古老建筑,比较好破题的方法是将本题看为词类型去处理,即反对说法,让步+2个反驳段落说明保护老建筑的必要性和好处等;




反对理由1: 老建筑有文化价值,是城市的文化和历史象征,比如北京南京、罗马、希腊等;



Every culture has its special features. Of course, urban development requires continuous construction to cater the need of city dwellers. However, conventional buildings, as symbol of architectural heritage, are an important part of the history of any country or city. Moreover, they could help us find the answers of many questions about the historical development of our society. Therefore, I truly believe that every administration should try to preserve the old, historic buildings despite the demand of metropolis’ skyscrapers.

Firstly, a historic building always represents history and has educational functions. Each historical building is precious property of human beings; each one can tell us a story. For example, some buildings are evidences of foreign invasion, while others are signs of various religions existed in past decades; The former Imperial Palace in China, where ancient emperors have ever stayed, has had a longstanding history as long as over 2000 years. If it were well-preserved, through it, we not only can remember many famous events, but can also know that ancient people have grasped very advanced architecture techniques and methods; Although it had been barbarously demolished, its heritages still reminds us the dark history and the value of peace. In many old cities, there are some old houses at where there were many important meetings hold. When we visited old sites, we seemed to go back to that turbulent and exciting time—as if we were there and could hear what those important historic characters had been talking. People nowadays can always obtain historic or cultural information through visiting these old buildings and sites. Although we can learn the past from books, pictures, and museums, nothing can compare with the actual historical buildings themselves, which can bring vivid educational material to us: many buildings are still carefully preserved in their authentic appearances. Like an antic, the value of an old building cannot be measured by money. Furthermore, many of them have unique constructions and are really beautiful and impressive, such as The Parthenon and Roman Arch. In my opinion, the destruction of such remarkable pieces of architecture and their replacement with modern buildings can be called ‘barbarity’. Once a historical building is destroyed or demolished, we can never restore it; even if it is restored to its original look, the new building is only a fake replica while the historical value will never come back to us. What people need is not the duplication or copy. Therefore, a lot of old buildings belonging to the historical heritage of the world are protected by UNESCO.

Secondly, historical buildings are a symbol of a city and cities that have their old, historic buildings carefully preserved are favorite places for holiday and tourism. The reason is that these cities keep their special atmosphere and could offer us a magnificent journey through their cultural and architectural history. Beijing is represented by the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, which are all historical relics. It is hard to imagine that someday the government decides that all these buildings should be destroyed and modern buildings be built on their sites, a decision that both brings about great pity of losing cultural and historical icons and losses profound tourist income.

The only reasonable argument to destroy some historic buildings and replace them with modern ones is when there is a risk of self-destruction, which could endanger human lives. But again the safety standard can be achieved by renovation or restoration of old buildings.

In conclusion, I would say that preserving old, historic buildings could be considered as a sign of our respect and regard to the previous generations. I am aware that it is an expensive initiative. But who can evaluate the worth the historic buildings have, and I would dare to ask – who gives us the right to destroy what the centuries have kept for us? For all reasons given above, I will strongly suggest the government should preserve the old, historical buildings.

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