托福TPO65阅读Passage 1题目+完整原文(已收藏)

发布时间:2021-02-19 10:24

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托福TPO65阅读Passage 1题目

1. According to paragraph 1, a rattlesnake will only strike at prey when

A. the snake is able to see the prey

B. the prey emits chemical odors

C. the prey is moving

D. the prey is warmer than its surroundings

2. Why does the author mention a "cloth-wrapped electric bulb" in the passage?

A. To illustrate the size of prey usually attacked by snakes

B. To prove that blindfolded snakes will strike more often at a dead rat than an electric bulb

C. To eliminate the possibility that snakes locate prey by using a sense of smell

D. To explain how scientists were able to trick blindfolded snakes

3. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

A. However, if objects in the surrounding area experience a temperature change, nerve activity causes a change in temperature in the receptive field around the snake's head

B. When objects that differ in temperature from the surroundings enter the receptive field around the head, the result is a dramatic change in nerve activity

C. Nerve activity changes when new objects are introduced into the area around a snake's head, regardless of how their temperature compares to that of the surrounding air.

D. The temperature of the air in the receptive field around the snake's head has an effect on the nerve activity of the snake if the objects in the field are at a different temperature.

4. The word "consequent" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. resultant

B. eventual

C. premature

D. visible

5. Which of the following can be inferred from the discussion about infrared sensation and pit organs in paragraph 3?

A. Rattlesnakes have special receptors that detect pressure changes in the pit organ membrane.

B. Damaged pit organ membranes do not prevent a rattlesnake from detecting a warm animal nearby

C. The experiments on pit organ membranes were conducted in a chamber with air at outside temperatures

D. The idea that pit organs help snakes to locate prey by radiation has been disproved

6. According to paragraph 4, which of the following tends to exclude a photochemical explanation for the sensory function of snake pit organs?

A. Only lasers can produce the exact wavelengths of radiation that have an effect on pit organs.

B. Light-sensitive pigments are located in the eyes but not in the pit organs of snakes.

C. Compounds sensitive to infrared radiation have not yet been identified in snake pit organs

D. The infrared radiation from a snake's prey has too little energy to affect the snake's pigments

7. The word" substantially" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. reliably

B. undoubtedly

C. frequently

D. significantly

8. According to paragraph 5, all of the following support the idea that a snake uses it spit organs for stereoscopic perception EXCEPT the fact that

A. stimulation of a pit organ has an effect on the tectum on the opposite side of the brain

B. the same part of the brain that deals with stereoscopic vision is activated by infrared stimulation of the pit organs

C. the nerves of the right eye and the right pit organ are completely separate from the nerves of the left eye and the left pit organ

D. a snake is able to strike its prey with precision

9. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

"Infrared radiation can be perceived directly by a few animals that have specialized sense organs that respond to this type of radiation."

Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square [■] to add the sentence to the passage.

10. Directions : An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage This question is worth 2 points.

"Studies indicate that the facial pit organs of certain snakes, are infrared sensors.

A. Some snakes seem to be able to locate and strike at warm-blooded prey solely through the use of pit organs.

B. The pit organs of snakes seem to be sensitive to a variety of stimuli, including sound, vibration, and light, as well as heat

C. The precision with which snakes are able to locate prey can be accounted for by the intersection of the optic nerves and nerves from the pit organs.

D. Snakes with pit organs will strike at dead rats at room temperature only when the rats are dragged across a cage.

E. Experiments provide strong evidence that snake pit organs are sensitive to temperature changes caused by infrared radiation.

F. Studies of brain activity suggest that the two facial pits provide snakes with stereoscopic perception for the exact location of prey.



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