托福TPO63阅读Passage 1题目+完整原文(已收藏)

发布时间:2021-02-02 17:07

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托福TPO63阅读Passage 1题目

1. (单选题)It can be inferred from paragraph 1 that before the rise of the Sumerian civilization: Southwest Asian societies had been

A. more densely populated

B. more independent of other societies in the region

C. more complex economically

D. more dependent on authority

2. (单选题)Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential in formation in the highlighted sentence in the passage? In correct choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. [This nascent world system developed as a result of insatiable demands for nonlocal raw materials in different ecological regions where societies were developing along very similar evolutionary tracks toward greater complexity.]

A. As complex societies evolved in more and more regions, demands for a new world order in creased

B. The new world system placed increasing demands on regions of Southwest Asia in which more complex societies had develop ed.

C. Less complex societies in the new world system had to demand locally unavailable raw materials from more complex societies in Southwest Asia.

D. Demands by developing Southwestern Asian societies for raw materials available outside their territories led to the emergenc e of a world system

3. (单选题)According to paragraph 1, one of the causes of the social and technological developments in Southwest Asia at the time of the Sumerian civilization was

A. increased access to information

B. improved educational opportunities

C. competition for prestige and authority

D. stronger governmental control

4. (单选题)The word "flourishing? in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. new

B. prosperous

C. well-organized

D. promising

5. (单选题)According to paragraph 2, Sumerians lacked all of the following EXCEPT

A. semiprecious stones

B. metals

C. grain

D. timber

6. (单选题)The word "arduous" in the passage is closest in meaning to

O A. frequent

O B. important

O C. difficult

O D. specialized

7. (单选题)Paragraph 3 suggests that before the invention of the plow, Sumerians used which of the following in agriculture?

O A. Fertilizer

B. Tools capable of digging deep furrows

O C. Oxen

D. Simple hoes and digging sticks

8. (单选题)According to paragraph 3, in addition to the plow, which of the following was responsible for large increases in agricultural productivity in Sumer?

A. legation

B. Large populations

C. Increased control by rulers

D. Increased use of digging sticks

9. (单选题)According to paragraph 4, all of the following statements about the Sumerian economic system are true EXCEPT:

A. Temple officials oversaw commercial transactions.

B. It was possible for individuals to borrow money.

C. Goods were informally bartered in the temples.

D. Merchants specialized in particular types of goods

10. (单选题)The word "swiftly1 in the passage is closest in meaning to

O A. importantly

O B. quickly

O C. clearly

O D. predictably

11. (单选题)Paragraph 6 supports which of the following statements about the Sumerian monarch Lugalzagesi?

A. He probably ruled over the entire area from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean

B. He probably did not control more than a few Sumerian city-states in the lowlands.

C. He probably dominated the overland trade routes that linked Mesopotamia: Anatolia, and the Levant

D. He probably lost control of the trade routes started by previous Sumerian monarchs.

12. (单选题)The word "lucrative" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. distant

B. profitable

C. major

D. particular

13. (单选题)Look at the four squares [] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage

It produced constant disputes and conflicts between neighboring states.

Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square【】to add the sentence to the passage.

[Paragraph 5] As the volume of long-distance trade increased dramatically, so competition over resources intensified. [A] Each state raised an army to defend its water rights, trade routes, and city walls. The onerous tasks of defense and military organization passed to despotic kings supposedly appointed by the gods. [B] Such Sumerian city-states as Erech, Kish, and Ur had periods of political strength and prosperity when they dominated their neighbors. [C] Then; just as swiftly, the tide of their fortunes would change and they would sink into obscurity. [D]

O A. A

O B. B

O C. C

O D. D

14. (多选题)The Sumerian civilization typifies the regional interdependence that emerged among Southwest Asian societies around 3100 B.c.

Answer Choices

A. Urban elites in Sumerian society used luxury items to demonstrate their wealth and high social position

B. Sumerians developed a sophisticated commercial economy overseen by an administrative system based in the temples.

C. A few Sumerian city-states dominated their neighbors and remained in power throughout the history of the Sumerian civilizati on.

D. Sumerians used river and land routes to trade their large grain surpluses and other products for commodities they lacked

E. During the era in which the Sumerian civilization emerged, no other complex societies had yet developed elsewhere.

Competition for valuable resources and trade routes eventually led to wars and power



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