托福TPO57阅读Passage 1原文+真题+PDF下载(部分)

发布时间:2020-12-21 10:43

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1. The word "vanished" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. recovered

B. disappeared

C. adapted

D. Retreated

2. According to paragraph 2, how did farmers in Clarkston Valley explain the lack of success they were having with the use of the sulfur‐lime mixture?

A. They suspected that surviving insects might have been a different variety of scale.

B. They believed that the mixture was not being applied to the trees properly.

C. They thought the mixture was being weakened by the manufacturers.

D. They assumed that the new scales were coming from nearby orchards.

3. In paragraph 3, why does the author compare the effects of sulfur‐lime pesticide in Yakima and Sunnyside with its effect in Clarkston?

A. To provide evidence that a new pesticide made from fuel oil was more effective than the sulfur‐lime mixture

B. To explain why Melander thought that scales had become resistant to the pesticide

C. To indicate how Melander discovered that scale insects were killing trees throughout Washington

D. To illustrate the success of farmers who chose to manufacture their own pesticide

4. The word "annihilated" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. unaffected

B. strengthened

C. quickly weakened

D. completely eliminated

5. According to paragraph 4, why did Melander reject the possibility that scales could have developed immunity?

A. Immunity could not effectively be passed on to the enormous number of offspring produced by scales.

B. The development of immunity to a poison usually occurs from eating small doses of the poison, but scales did not eat the sulfur‐lime mixture.

C. The lifecycle of a scale is so short that no scale was exposed to more than one spraying of pesticide.

D. Only certain poisons lead to the development of an immunity, and the poisons used in the pesticides were not believed to be among these.

6. According to paragraph 5, how did Melander account for the increasing number of scales that were resistant?

A. A few scales developed mutated genes that gave them pesticide resistance, and these genes were then spread among later generations.

B. Farmers were using so much pesticide that only resistant scales could survive and reproduce.

C. Some scales that survived the pesticide did not have a genetic mutation for resistance and their numbers made it appear that scales were becoming increasingly resistant

D. Scales receiving several low doses of pesticide over the course of their lives gradually built up an immunity.

7. What can be inferred from paragraph 5 about resistance to sulfur‐lime pesticide in regions of the Northwest other than Clarkston?

A. The proportion of resistant scales was lower in the other regions because they used several pesticides not used in Clarkston.

B. The proportion of resistant scales was lower in the other regions because they had not used sulfur‐lime pesticide as long as Clarkston had.

C. The scales in the other regions could not develop resistance because they were genetically different from the scales in Clarkston.

D. The scales in the other regions could not develop resistance because they were never exposed to the sulfur‐lime pesticide.



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