上海新航道托福培训班 小编为大家整理了2021年12月4日托福口语考试机经回忆【新航道版】,每次考试后新航道托福小编会在1-2天内更新托福机经回忆,希望对大家的托福考试有一定帮助。
Task 1
Some people believe that government should provide funding to protect endangered animals. Other people believe that the money should come from private sources.
What do you think? Explain why.
Task 2
The student proposes that the university should purchase a 3D printer for the students and professors.
原因 1:A 3D printer is a device which is used to create three-dimensional models so that the Architecture and Engineering students can benefit from the printer.
原因 2:Also, if the printer is placed in the library, it will be accessible to everyone including professors.
Listening: partially agree
理由 1:The 3D printer can be used to create really nice models.女生去年实习的时候就用过 3D printer.
理由 2:Although she agrees to purchase a 3D printer, she proposes to put the printer in the architecture or engineering departments. 因为那里使用得最多。
Task 3
Appeasement Behavior
The smaller animals in a group will avoid fighting with the bigger animals.
教授举了 wolves 的例子。Wolves live in packs, where some wolves are bigger than other wolves. 吃东西的时候,体型较大的狼往往会吃掉所有的食物。smaller animals 当然想要食
物,但它们不想和 bigger wolves 争斗,所以它们会屈服。这样的话,no one in the groups will get hurt。
Task 4
When a company want to sell a product or a service, they need to understand the needs of the consumers. To help them do this, they usually conduct what is called a gap analysis.
There are two steps to do this.
1. The first step is to identify the gap. 例如,当有太多的人在超市购物时,该公司将试图找出目前消费者支付商品所需时间与理想支付时长之间的差距(gap)。
2. The second step is to close the gap. 还是上面的例子,由于消费者支付的时间太长,超市会雇佣更多的收银员来帮助缩短等待时间。