Many students are asked to evaluate their professors at the end of the semester. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this ?
Teachers play a truly essential part in students' campus lives and academic performance. As for valuing the professors at the end of the term, I do believe it is effective and necessary. Primarily, different professors have various kinds of personal style and ubiquitous teaching method, after studying for a whole term, students get to know him or her relatively well and can get a thorough picture, thus rendering the evaluation pretty reliable and objective. Also, valuing professors can aid students to figure out whether he or she fits this mechanism of learning well and what needs to be perfect so as to achieve a better result. To put all in a nutshell, after weighing diverse factors, it's fare for students to value professors at the end of a term.
学生在学期末评价教授好不好?好不好无非两个方面,对学生好不好和对老师好不好。另 外_个点,学期末而不是_开学。显然刚开学学生对教授并没有什么认识,要判断人家大 概也只能看颜值(傲娇脸)所以显然对长得....学术的教授是不公平的。而期末,经过了一 学期的摸爬滚打无论是感激涕零还是想碎尸万段都算是对老师有了全方位多角度的认识, 因此得出的结论是相对客观科学的。再来,对学生,通过value老师你会发现自己从他身 上学到了什么,这种教学方法对我是不是的,我应该做出什么样的改变来在他的课堂 上更好地学习。对于教授本人,认识到自己的教学上有什么优劣,在新学期作出更多的改 正,更受学生欢迎少点drop。
Nowadays, people use extreme method, like surgery to change their appearance ; they do this because they are trying to become more attractive. Do you think this a good idea ?
Well, in the face of such a controversial and subjective topic, people's answer might differ significantly from one or another towards to this topic. However, for me, I consider it acceptable to adjust one's appearance even through surgery. Primarily, admit it or not, the pursuit of beauty is truly a kind of undeniable human nature. Thus, whether making change to the original look or not is totally a subjective choice and whatever decision is made, it is 100% blameless. Also, frankly speaking, becoming prettier is radically a beneficial thing. For you get more confident and can easily expand the social network.
If it is just about the "surgery", then it's definitely not logical nor ethical.
整容好不好?看到题目,第_点首先想到.....关你屁事!很简单的道理,脸长在自己身 上,我觉得好就好,想整就整咯,想贴个双眼皮贴、化个妆就去咯!我变漂亮有没有让你 变丑。再来,人们总是在无限地追求美当中无论你承不承认,如果有的选,有人天生愿意 丑吗?破点硫酸咯!那些嫉妒别人美或者对于别人变美不屑的人,明显是因为自己丑又没 胆承认想变美又没勇气去整。第二,在锥子脸网红泛滥的今天,很多人反对变美是因为反 对“整容”,可是归根到底,变美这件事本身没!错!不能因为变美的其中_条途径比较极 端就反对这件事本身,这显然既不道德,又没逻辑。
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