In each and every single one's student life, we all face the dilemma of getting expelled as a result of cheating in exams.Though this can be extremely controversial, I still tend to believe it's the right thing to do. Primarily, the purpose of schooling is the acquisition of knowledge but not the mastery of cheating. One's cheating exactly shows his leak hole in the academic field which leaves the initial purpose of examination behind. In addition, it's universally acknowledged that cheating can negatively affect the reputation of the student himself as well as the entire school. So it's pretty fire to expel him.
1,当然不能又好又坏~然而惯有思维想,这个题目似乎不太会选“烂主意”(尽管也可以, 不过比较难说而已何必跟自己过不去)继续发现原因2条+,作弊的坏处从小耳濡目染,三 令五申想必随随便便_说都有5, 6条选择尽可能与众不同的,容易添加细节的说比如举自 己某次考试的例子,或者具体描述作弊的严重后果即可。
有的学生课余时间选择参加课外活动,有的继续刻苦努力学习,如果是你,你选择哪个并 说明理由。
Nearly every student face the dilemma that whether to 100% concentrate on their schoolwork or to
join diverse clubs and participate in extra curriculum activities. Frankly speaking as for me, my favor definitely goes to the later one. Primarily, I always believe teenage time is the best time during our entire life, it's quite pathetic to have only books and exams in the memory. What's more through these kind of beneficial activities, like public forum debate, we get to develop the critical thinking as well as the sophisticated research skills which will further contribute to our academic development.
要不要参加课外活动,八成大概可能也许还是参加比较好说。参加课外活动的好处又是一 箩筐,记得一定一定要加够细节丨 e.g.develop critical thinking, independent skill, contribute to further blabla如果有自己参加的课外活动也可以举例作为一个理由,但是要
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