Task 1: Talk about a hobby of yours, give examples and details in your response.
I like taking photos for the following reasons. First, taking photos is fun! Photography gives us a chance to see the world around us differently. It trains our eyes to spot things that are interesting out of the ordinary. Second, every second that you live is a second more in the past. Every picture that is taken captures those split seconds and stores them timelessly. Pictures are a chart of memories and moments that can be revisited as they were when the image is viewed.
Task 2 : Some people prefer to live in big cities, others prefer to live in small towns. Which do you prefer? Explain your answer in details.
I prefer living in a big city for the following reasons. First reason would be the arts and entertainment. When you live in a big city, you have much greater access to a variety of entertainment venues, and you are exposed to all sorts of different cultures. Taking Beijing as an example, you’ll find that this city always has some sort of festival going on. Second, People like to move to big cities because it’s where jobs are. In a big city, there is a lot of diversity. You don’t have to see the same people over and over again. The possibilities are endless.