1, 历史文章中的常见词汇题搭配:simple = straightforward / consider = evaluate = weigh = calculate / interest = concern = profit = benefit / issue = outcome / cause = enterprise / recognized = acknowledged;
2, 说美国是 “imperial government” 的是正确选项的概率小;
3,说美国想要证明自己 “superiority” 的是正确选项的概率小;
4,美国人想要去别的国家都是为了 “democracy / human rights / equality / care for those who are denied voices in their own government”等,如果出现 “to conquer / invade” 等是正确选项的概率小;
5,说到美国的 “resources / land / people / history”等,很可能是在说美国是上帝宠爱的孩子,所以答案有可能出现 “divine gift / endowed / blessed”;
6,提到上帝”God / Providence / The Almighty”告诉我们做某事的时候,有可能是证明这件事“just / cannot be changed / must be done / noble / justified / innate drive / natural instinct”;
7,历史双篇文章关系题,反驳逻辑“refute / against / disapproval / disagree”是正确选项的概率大;”both / similar”是正确选项的概率小;表示“cannot answer the question / cannot understand / admit mistakes on own behalf”的是正确选项的概率小;
8,选项对“founding fathers”是负态度的是正确选项的概率小;
9,选项出现“emotional / resentment / cynical / indignation / impatience / insult”是正确选项的概率小;
10,提到重视 “authority of government”胜过“people’s happiness”的是正确选项的概率小;
11,选项极端词汇“must / all / only / most”的是正确选项的概率小[例外:反观点题/假设题/削弱题/原文极端];
12,写作手法题”hypothetical situation / scenario”做正确选项概率大;
13,过于的语气“can be realized beyond a doubt / will surely happen / will never happen”是正确选项的概率小;
14,范围相对太大的“widely / widespread / all the nations / popular / international / other”是正确选项的概率小;
15,程度太大的“over / too / excessively / unprecedented / perfect”是正确选项的概率小;
16,提到对方故意的 “intentionally / deliberately / on purpose / out of self-interest”是正确选项的概率小;
17,美国大革命 American Revolution一般同义替换的说法有“Independence War / most recent conflict”;
18,选项重要背景:Patrick Henry 支持美国独立,反对美国宪法,支持Articles of Confederation;
19,选项重要背景:Frederick Douglass 支持废奴运动[abolition movement],认为林肯是捍卫白人利益而解放黑奴;
20,选项重要背景:Abraham Lincoln 起初不支持废奴,反对奴隶制延伸,后来南北战争发布《解放奴隶宣言》;
21,选项重要背景:所有Fedralist Paper的作者都是支持美国宪法的;
22,女权文章选项里“women and men are equal / all written by men”等是正确选项的概率小;
23,女权文章里很多女性渴望得到“property / suffrage / equality / vocation”等;
24,历史文章的轻蔑“disdain / contempt / dismissive / mock / deride / ironic”等是正确选项的概率小;
25,频率“frequently / almost / always”等是正确选项的概率小;
26,信息性内容[e.g. give one example]比方式性内容[e.g. how hard sth is]更有可能成为正确选项;
27,“moral dilemma”是正确选项的概率小;
28,“historical context / judicial precedent”是正确选项的概率小;
29,双篇态度题,“puzzled / amused / insulted”是正确选项的概率小;