2016年12月3日亚太SAT阅读真题回忆-A Room with a View
2016年12月3日亚太SAT阅读真题回忆-A Room with a View
梗概 :
The society out of which Cecil proposedto rescue Lucy was perhaps no very splendid affair, yet it was more splendidthan her antecedents entitled her to. Her father, a prosperous local solicitor,had built Windy Corner, as a speculation at the time the district was openingup, and, falling in love with his own creation, had ended by living therehimself. Soon after his marriage the social atmosphere began to alter. Otherhouses were built on the brow of that steep southern slope and others, again,among the pine-trees behind, and northward on the chalk barrier of the downs.Most of these houses were larger than Windy Corner, and were filled by peoplewho came, not from the district, but from London, and who mistook theHoneychurches for the remnants of an indigenous aristocracy. He was inclined to befrightened, but his wife accepted the situation without either pride orhumility. "(此处出题,考察夫妻两人对何种问题的何种不同态度)Icannot think what people are doing," she would say, "but it isextremely fortunate for the children." She called everywhere; her callswere returned with enthusiasm, and by the time people found out that she wasnot exactly of their milieu, they liked her, and it did not seem to matter.When Mr. Honeychurch died, he had the satisfaction--which few honest solicitorsdespise--of leaving his family rooted in the best society obtainable(连同下一段的重复,考察该句在文中想表达的作用).
The best obtainable. Certainly many ofthe immigrants were rather dull, and Lucy realized this more vividly since herreturn from Italy. Hitherto she had accepted their ideals without questioning —their kindly affluence(此处考察该短语在文中想表达的含义),their inexplosive religion, their dislike of paper-bags, orange-peel, andbroken bottles. A Radical out and out, she learnt to speak with horror ofSuburbia. Life, so far as she troubled to conceive it, was a circle of rich,pleasant people, with identical interests and identical foes. In this circle,one thought, married, and died. Outside it were poverty and vulgarity forevertrying to enter, just as the London fog tries to enter the pine-woods pouringthrough the gaps in the northern hills. But, in Italy, where any one who chooses may warm himselfin equality(考察此处转折关系), as in the sun, thisconception of life vanished. Her senses expanded; she felt that there was noone whom she might not get to like, that social barriers were irremovable,doubtless, but not particularly high. You jump over them just as you jump intoa peasant's olive-yard in the Apennines, and he is glad to see you. Shereturned with new eyes.
So did Cecil; but Italy had quickenedCecil, not to tolerance, but to irritation. He saw that the local society wasnarrow, but, instead of saying, "Does that very much matter?" herebelled, and tried to substitute for it the society he called broad(考察改词在语境中的含义).He did not realize that Lucy had consecrated her environment by the thousandlittle civilities that create a tenderness in time, and that though her eyessaw its defects, her heart refused to despise it entirely. Nor did he realize amore important point—that if she was too great for this society, she was toogreat for all society, and had reached the stage where personal intercoursewould alone satisfy her. A rebel she was, but not of the kind he understood—arebel who desired, not a wider dwelling-room, but equality beside the man sheloved. For Italy was offering her the most priceless of all possessions—her ownsoul.