mischance N. /霉运;不幸/ill luck. By mischance, he lost his week's salary.
misconception N. /误解/mistaken idea. "Sir, you are suffering from a misconception. I do not wish to marry you in the least!"
misconstrue V. /曲解/interpret incorrectly; misjudge. She took the passage seriously rather than humorously because she misconstrued the author's ironic tone.
misdemeanor N. /轻罪/minor crime. The culprit pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor rather than face trial for a felony.
miserly ADJ. /吝啬的;贪婪的;坏的/stingy; mean. Transformed by his vision on Christmas Eve, mean old Scrooge ceased being miserly and became a generous, kind old man.
misgivings N. /担忧,疑虑/doubts. Hamlet described his misgivings to Horatio but decided to fence with Laertes despite his foreboding of evil.
mishap N. /意外,灾难/accident. With a little care you could have avoided this mishap.
misnomer N. /错误的名字;写错名字;用词不当/wrong name; incorrect designation. His tyrannical conduct proved to all that his nickname, King Eric the Just, was a misnomer.
misrepresent V. /误传;有意制造误解/give a false or incorrect impression, often deliberately; serve unsatisfactorily as a representative. In his job application, Milton misrepresented his academic background; he was fired when his employers discovered the truth. The reformers accused Senator Gunbucks of misrepresenting his constituents and claimed he took bribes from the NRA.
missile N. /投掷物/object to be thrown or projected. After carefully folding his book report into a paper airplane, Beavis threw the missile across the classroom at Butthead. Rocket scientists are building guided missiles; Beavis and Butthead can barely make unguided ones.
missive N. /信件/letter. The ambassador received a missive from the secretary of state.
mite N. /小东西;小硬币/very small object or creature; small coin. Gnats are annoying mites that sting.
mitigate V. /减轻;减缓;中和/appease; moderate. Nothing Jason did could mitigate Medea's anger; she refused to forgive him for betraying her.
mnemonic ADJ. /记忆的/pertaining to memory. He used mnemonic tricks to master new words.
mobile ADJ. /移动的/movable; not fixed. The mobile blood bank operated by the Red Cross visited our neighborhood today. mobility, N.