impinge V. /撞击;碰撞/infringe; touch;. collide with. How could they be married without impinging on one another's freedom?
impious ADJ. /不敬的;不礼貌的/irreverent. The congregation was offended by her impious remarks.
implacable ADJ. /不能平静的/incapable of being pacified. Madame Defarge was the implacable enemy of the Evremonde family.
implausible ADJ. /难以臵信的;不像是真的/unlikely; unbelievable. Though her alibi seemed implausible, it in fact turned out to be true.
implement V. /贯彻,实现;用工具实现/put into effect; supply with tools. The mayor was unwilling to implement the plan until she was sure it had the governor's backing. also N.
implicate V. /牵连,牵扯(犯罪);暗示/incriminate; show to be involved. Here's the deal: if you agree to take the witness stand and implicate your partners in crime, the prosecution will recommend that the judge go easy in sentencing you.
implication N. /含义;暗示/something hinted at or suggested. When Miss Watson said she hadn't seen her purse since the last time Jim was in the house, the implication was that she suspected Jim had taken it.imply,V.
implicit ADJ. /会意的,意会而不言传;暗示的/understood but not stated. Jack never told Jill he adored her; he believed his love was implicit in his actions.
implore V. /恳求/beg. He implored her to give him a second chance.
imply V. /暗示;表示/suggest a meaning not expressed; signify. When Aunt Millie said, "My! That's a big piece of pie, young man!" was she implying that Bobby was being a glutton in helping himself to such a huge piece?
importunate ADJ. /胡搅蛮缠的;苛刻的/urging; demanding. He tried to hide from his importunate creditors until his allowance arrived.
importune V. /强求;不停的求/beg persistently. Democratic and Republican phone solicitors importuned her for contributions so frequently that she decided to give nothing to either party.
impostor N. /冒充者;冒名顶替的人/someone who assumes a false identity. Holmes exposed the doctor as an impostor.
impotent ADJ. /无能的;弱的/weak; ineffective. Although he wished to break the nicotine habit, he found himself impotent in resisting the craving for a cigarette.
impoverished ADJ. /穷/poor. The loss of their farm left the family impoverished and without hope.