barricade N. /屏障;障碍物/hastily put together defensive barrier; obstacle. Marius and his fellow students hurriedly improvised a rough barricade to block police access to the students' quarter. Malcolm and his brothers barricaded themselves in their bedroom to keep their mother from seeing the hole in the bedroom floor. alsoV.
barterer N. /交易商/trader. The barterer exchanged trinkets for the natives' furs. It seemed smarter to barter than to pay cash.
bask V. /享受(温暖);愉快,舒适/luxuriate; take pleasure in warmth. Basking on the beach, she relaxed so completely that she fell asleep.
bastion N. /堡垒;工事/fortress; defense. The villagers fortified the town hall, hoping this improvised bastion could protect them from the guerillas' raids. .
bate V. /限制;抑制/let down; restrain. Until it was time to open the presents, the children had to bate their curiosity. bated,ADJ.
bauble N. /小玩意儿/trinket; trifle. The child was delighted with the bauble she had won in the grab bag.
bawdy ADJ. /猥亵的;下流的;卖淫的/indecent; obscene. Jack took offense at Jill's bawdy remarks. What kind of young man did she think he was?
beam N. /光束;铁梁,木梁;一束电波/ray of light; long piece of metal or wood; course of a radio signal. V. smile radiantly. If a beam of light falls on you, it illuminates you; if a beam of iron falls on you, it eliminates you. (No one feels like beaming when crushed by an iron beam.)
beatific ADJ. /祝福;幸福的/giving bliss; blissful. The beatific smile on the child's face made us very happy.
beatitude N. /祝福/blessedness; state of bliss. Growing closer to God each day, the mystic achieved a state of indescribable beatitude.
bedizen V. /俗丽,俗气/dress with vulgar finery. The witch doctors were bedizened in all their gaudiest costumes.
bedraggle V. /邋遢的;湿的/wet thoroughly; stain with mud. We were so bedraggled by the severe storm that we had to change into dry clothing. bedraggled,ADJ.
beeline N. /直线/direct, quick route. As soon as the movie was over, Jim made a beeline for the exit.
befuddle V. /迷惑/confuse thoroughly. His attempts to clarify the situation succeeded only in befuddling her further.
beget V. /得子;产生/father; produce; give rise to. One good turn may deserve another; it does not necessarily beget another.
begrudge V. /愤恨;嫉妒/resent. I begrudge every minute I have to spend attending meetings; they're a complete waste of time.
*beguile V. /欺骗,骗住;消磨时间/mislead or delude; pass time. With flattery and big talk of easy money, the con men beguiled Kyle into betting his allowance on the shell game. Broke, he beguiled himself during the long hours by playing solitaire.