首先关于开头Introduction部分该写长还是写短,Simon 是这样回答的:
“ Some students (and teachers) think that it's a good idea to write a long introduction. I disagree, and I recommend that you keep the introduction short. The main problem is the extra time that you waste if you write four sentences instead of two. This is time that could be spent on the main body paragraphs, which are the key to a high score. A long introduction won't help your score at all, but longer and better main body paragraphs will.
Simon's short introduction:
People have different views about how best to improve transportation in cities. While better provision for cyclists would be a positive measure, I would argue that further investment in public transport should be the priority in most cities.
A long introduction written by a student:
Nowadays, there is a large debate around the ideal transportation means that should be promoted by governments. Some believe that means like bicycles should be supported, while others feel that spending should be directed toward public transportations. I think that both means have to be subsidized because each has advantages and potential disadvantages. In this essay, I shall discuss and analyze both views.
两相比较,差别是不是很明显呢?短介绍仅38个单词,而第二个介绍达到了63个单词,字数相差一倍,传递的信息却是一样的。Simon的版本显得简短有力,单刀直入,而第二个版本句子啰嗦,信息不密集,给人感觉“神神叨叨”的(我把这种不包含实际信息的问题统一叫作“絮叨体”),不符合plain English的要求,而且最后一句话“In this essay, I shall discuss and analyze both views”也显得很不自然。最重要的是,长介绍的毛病是会浪费掉很多宝贵的时间,导致主体论证不足。从文章结构平衡考虑,如果开头很长,那么文章主题部分也应当适当写长,否则你以为写作文是夹热狗,两头大中间小嘛= = 。如果你仍持怀疑态度,请继续看接下来的一个例子,这个例子来自美国学生Diane Woods,描述的是对moviegoing的看法:
While I love movies as much as ever, the inconvenience of going out, the temptations of the theater, and the behavior of some patrons are reasons for me to wait and rent the video.
短短34个单词,将为什么不喜欢去电影院的三个理由(1.不方便 2.电影院提供许多垃圾食品 3. 电影院其他观影者的行为)交代得清清楚楚,后文也是按照提供的这三个理由的顺序一一展开,结构清晰,惜字如金。
Tip1Restatement of the topic +同义替换
也就是把作文原题中的表达方式用相近表达替换,好处是不需要怎么思考,提笔就能写,节约时间,想的考生可以试试。注意 :改一两个词不算改写,一定要将整个表达方式改掉。
The rise of convenient foods has helped people keep up with the speed of the modern life style. What are the advantages of this trend? Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
In these days, the invention of convenient food effectively helps urban citizens to cope with the fast-pace of modern life. However, personally, I think the disadvantages of this trend outweigh the advantages.
用一句话改写题目——rise可同义替换为invention, emergence;people可替换成urban citizens, the working class, residents; keep up with被理解为 cope with, tackle, adapt to, deal with; speed被替换成fast-pace等等。再用一句话说明自己的观点。当然了,改写的方式很多了,不仅仅是同义替换,还有语法替换,如主动变被动,词性转化,肯定句改双重否定句等等。
In many countries schools have severe problems with student behavior. What do you think are the cause of this? What solutions can you suggest?
Poor student behavior seems to be an increasingly widespread problem(转述现象) and I think that modern lifestyles are probably responsible for this(亮出准确概括下文论点的名词,done!= = ).
这种开头就和最开始Simon举的例子一样,包含两个观点。如果是写balanced view的话, 就需要先提到两方观点再点名自己取折中态度。可是如果是写一边倒(Strong Opinion),二选一的观点,其实有种可以更简洁的开头方式,遗憾的是,即使是对这种一边倒的作文,小编看到很多雅思“机经”上模板还是 Some people believe that… While others believe… But I think…/I agree with the first (or latter) one…这种 “神叨体”= =。其实,这种Introduction一个更加简洁的做法,就是首先用While结构引出自己不倾向的观点,再直接用I would argue for/propose/suggest…+ 赞成观点,而不用先话一个句子亮A观点,再花一个句子量B观点,最后在花一个句子说自己选A/B,这样3个句子就可以压缩成1个复杂句。看几个例子你就会明白:
Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important for a country.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
People have different views about how governments should measure their countries’ progress. (现象句) While economic progress is of course essential, I agree with those who believe that other measures of progress are just as important.(直接用while从句点出自己不倾向的观点,再用主句亮出自己赞成的观点)
Some people believe that governments should pay for healthcare and education, but others disagree with this opinion. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
参考:Different people holds different views about government’s role in providing healthcare and education (转述现象,同义替换). While some argue that governments should take full responsibility to cover the two for all, I would say that it’s unnecessary and unrealistic to do so(直接套用While句型,同时采用建议二,用unnecessary和unrealistic概括主体段要包含的两大块论点)。
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