很多同学对雅思写作还抱着背模板足够拿6分的误解。今天, 上海雅思培训班 的老师告诉你:背模板无法百分百让你拿到6分!不具备活学活用的能力,抄出来的模板作文也是错漏百出。下面,就让上海 雅思培训机构 的老师为你带来2017年雅思写作task2大作文范文!
Children find it difficult to concentrate on or pay attention to schools.
What are the reasons?
How can we solve this problem?
Being able to concentrate and focus for sustained periods is a skill that chiildren will need to develop in order to make the most of their education. While most children witl naturally develop a greater attention span as they grow older and get used to the school environment and expectations,some continue to struggle to focus on a task or an activity.
In this digital age of smart phones and social media, there are plenty of distractions to tempt the wandering mind where study tasks are conterned. From surfing the webpage to instant messaging, constant distinctions connpgte for children's attention. It is not uncommon to witness a child listening to his iPod while doing his homework. With so many potential interruptions, it can be difficult for children to stop and focus on the task at hand.
There are some practical and manageabte tips teachers and parents can use to help their children focus, complete their task both at school and home and ultimately succeed. Initially, setting early expectations is an essential such as explaining to children their priorities at school and home and in the community. The earlier teachers end parents set expectations and establish a routine for studying, the easier It will be to maintain. Additionally, managing and minimijing the number of distractions that can puH a child's focus awav is another important step. Parents can help their children bv insisting that certain responsibifities sire met before privilsges are granted. That is because v〇ung people sometimes have a tendency to prioritize shoirt-term needs and wants over longer- term goals.
To conclude helping children develop self-disciplin^ effective focus strategic and concentration skills at an eaHv age is a basis for long-term success in high school, college and the professional working world. Therefore, teachers and parents should put more consideration into the issue.
(302 words)
以上,就是 上海雅思培训机构 的老师为你带来2016年雅思写作task2大作文范文!