今天上海新航道雅思培训班 小编为大家整理了2020年9月12日雅思考试听力真题回忆及答案,每次考试后新航道雅思 小编会在1-2天内更新托福机经回忆
PART 1、一个妇女新手咨询scuba diving潜水俱乐部
1. the month on July
2. on a Saturday
3. Intilly, they will have indoor training.
4. When completing, they will be diving in a lake at a mountain.
5. equipment: only need to buy a diving mask
6. We also give homework every evening.
7. There is a certificate to offer.
8. cost total: 375 euros each person and a deposit of 130
9. registration name on the form
10. if need more information at website
PART 2、关于野营报名咨询
11. A trip to the outdoor education center will help the children
A. create good relationships
B. mange without adult supervision
C. react positively to new challenges
12. To prepare their children for the trip, parents should
A. let them try sleeping in a tent at home
B. make sure they get enough sleep before they leave
C. tell them that they will be in a tent with their friends
13. What do parents need to put in their children's backpack?
A. plastic bags
B. snacks and biscuits
C. a small amount of money
14. What are children llowed to bring on the trip?
A. electronic games
B. cell phones
C. penknives
15. How are parents selected to attend the trip?
A. The first ten parents to sign up will be able to go.
B. Parents' name will be chosen from a box.
C. Preference will be given to parents with camping skills.
16. Payment for the trip
A. must be handed to child s teacher
B. can be left at the school's office
C. should be made directly to the outdoor education center
17. Woodcarving studio- E
18. Emergency meeting point-A
19. Conservation center--F
20. Arts and crafts room- B
PART 3、新西兰的一种已经灭绝的 鸟类(Moa)
21. one similar thing the Moa is with dinosaur?
A. both are of interest to the public
B. both are extinct at similar time
C. both left lots of fossils remains
22. What is the difference between Moa and other birds?
A. no wing bones
B. tail
C. has a smaller head
23. the special feature of their chicks 幼鸟的特点
A. never retum to the nests
B. most die at two moths
C. can't find food by themselves
A. trouble/doubt to think
B. may think it true
C. certainty to think
25. male student atitude to lecturer in report todayof公鸟孵蛋?
A. surprised
B. worried
C. amused
26. the reason why the Moa became extinct?
A. climate change
B. human interference
C. other animals competition
PART 4、New airport新机场
Airports are stressful places.
31. But a good airport design ensures people can see outside .
Designers of award winning airports
32. At the terminal at Madrid, the number of corridors has been controlled.
33. To reduce stress, a lot of photos are applied to show its beautiful roof.
34. Architects should give passengers a feeling of space
35. In the commercial areas of the airports, the amount of advertising should be limited.
36. Make sure that passengers information displayed on screens.
Sings and notices
37. Good signs distinguish different zones with color coding.
38. To easily access information, signs must be in the correct size.
Future airports
39. The building material will be mainly of glass.
40. Airports will resemble a square in the town.