Describe a thing that a wise person did/ a person who gives a clever solution to a problem
今天上海雅思培训班小编为大家带来的是9月雅思口语话题:Describe a thing a wise person did/ a person who gives aclever solution to a problem.
You should say:
who he/she is
when he/she did it
where he/she did it
and explain why do you think he/she is clever
A friend of mine, 2 years ago, helped me move by solving a bigproblem. I believe he is clever because he was able to thinkoutside the box. Smart people can look at the entire picture andquickly come up with a solution to any problem that others cannotsee .They have the knack of being able to figure out how to dealwith a situation that requires help, and apply an idea to correctthe trouble in a very short time……
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