Describe a difficult decision you have taken in your life.
You should say:
what the decision was
why it was a difficult decision
how you decided
and say whether you think the decision was correct or not.
1. 这个困难的决定是什么- 出国工作 (这里大家也可以说出国读书)
Before I entered the final year of my degree course, I made quite a big life decision. I decided that I wanted to go and live and work abroad in Australia. This was a big decision and it took me quite a long time to finally decide it was what I really wanted to do.
2. 为什么这个决定很困难-人生大转变;出于对父母的考虑;对于这个决定的不确定
It was difficult for several reasons. Firstly, because it was a huge change – going off to another country and culture and leaving everyone I love behind, and everything that’s familiar. Secondly, my parents are getting older now and I was worried about who might look after them if I go to live in another country. But I talked about my concerns with my brother and sister and they told me not to worry – that I should take the chance to experience living and working abroad. And the third reason was that I wasn’t sure if my parents would think it was a good idea or not. I was a little nervous when I told them about my plan – but once they accepted the idea, they were very enthusiastic and happy for me.
3. 怎么做的决定:写下来打分
I arrived at my final decision after a lot of thought. I wrote down all the things I liked about the idea and also all the things I didn’t like about the idea – then I gave each item a score. The higher the score the more important it was, the lower the score the less important it was – and then I compared the total scores for all the positives and all the negatives I had thought of.
4. 觉得这个决定对不对
The final result was a higher score to go and live and work abroad. I think it was a good decision, but only time will really tell if it is – I will have to wait and see if it was the correct decision to make.