正中下怀用英文怎么说 单词怎么写
正中下怀,汉语成语,拼音是zhèng zhòng xià huái,意思是正合自己的心意。出自《后汉书·刘玄传》。下面来一起看一下正中下怀的英文表达方式吧。
[Literal Meaning]
just/to fit in with/oneself, a self-depreciatory expression/wishes
to fit in exactly with one's wishes
to be just what one hopes for
The boss felt that Li Ming's words were very reasonable and just what he hoped for.
That's the ticket.
touch the spot
fit in exactly with one's wishes
after sb.'s heart
be as well as one's heart could have wished
be exactly [just] what one wants [hopes for]
exactly to sb.'s liking
come up just to one's expectation
hit [strike] one's fancy
suit one's book