雅思听力词汇推荐:追问的英文单词怎么写 表达方式有哪些
questionmake a detailed inquiryexamine minutelypress
I made a detailed inquiry about the facts.我追问事实真相。
Try to obtain (information)from sb by asking persistent questions追问某人以探知(信息)
He had to inquire into the cause of the matter.他不得不追问事情的根底。
He puffed up and glared at the importuning questioner.他趾高气扬地盯着追问者
"Was he pious?" Thorn pressed“他虔诚吗?”索恩追问。
Before long the interlocking stratagems worked out-Dong Zhuo was killed by Lü Bu.后来,董卓找吕布追问貂蝉被调戏之事,吕布反目刺死了董卓
if he had been strongly pressed, it seems that he would have been found to be an ultramontane rather than a gallican.如果有人向他紧紧追问,他就仿佛是偏向罗马派方面而并不属于法国派。
I tracked down a nurse and she said that his chart said no solid food我追问一位护士,她说图表上写着禁止固体食物。
They didn't show the slightest interest in her and they had very little to say beyond: "How's the fightin' goin'?他们显得对她一点也不感兴趣,也没有别的话好说,只一味追问:"老约将军在做什么?
If you recap what's been covered, you reward the tardy person and punish the "on time" folks.如果你追问他们迟到的原因,你是在奖励那些迟到的人却在处罚那些遵守时间的人。
n. 问题;疑问;难题;询问;审问;疑问句
v. 询问;怀疑;探究
This is a relevant question.这是一个中肯的问题。
It was a gift of a question. 解答那一道题不费吹灰之力。
This is a multiple question.这是个复杂的问题。
v. 做;制造;生产;使得;获得;准备;引起;开始;使成为,产生;构成
n. 形状;样式;制造;构造;品牌
a man of this make这种性格的人
make an example of1.惩罚...以儆戒他人
make a dive for向¥冲去
adj. 详细的,精细的;复杂的;详尽的
v. detail的过去式和过去分词
elevation detail立面细部
The devil is in the details.细节决定成败。
A particular detail or circumstance.详情详尽的细节或情形