雅思基础词汇学习:捉摸的英文单词怎么写 相关表达有哪些
2 捉摸的英文参考例句:
The actual control condition at the root of the notch is more problematic在缺口根部的实际控制条件是更难捉摸的。
The actual control condition at the root of the notch is more problematic.在缺口根部的实际控制条件是更难捉摸的。
Charisma is one of those very elusive qualities.感召力是让人很难捉摸的一种能力。
I tried to consult with myself as to what I should do.我暗暗捉摸该采取什么对策。
The motions of her mind were as incalculable as the flit of a Bird她心思的流转就象鸟儿飞过一样无法捉摸
Though occasionally chatty, his moods were erratic.他虽然有时健谈,但是他的脾气却很难捉摸。
He waited for these strong words to sink into the hearts of his seafaring companions他等待着,让同舟共济的旅伴们细细捉摸这几句沉甸甸的话的含义。
Zhang's calligraphy is as unpredictable as his brushstrokes and character structures are unfathomable.张旭的字如"游云千万朵",变幻莫测,下笔结体,都不易捉摸。
The motions of her mind were as incalculable as the flit of a bird(Edith Wharton)她心思的流转就象鸟儿飞过一样无法捉摸(伊迪丝·华顿)
What goes on in those office downtown, gretchen wondered那些商业区的办公楼里在搞些什么呢,格丽卿捉摸。
3 捉摸的英文相关词汇:
v. 弄清,查明
Can you ascertain who he is? 你能否查明他是何许人?
A photoelectric instrument for ascertaining cloud heights.云高计测算云高的一种光电设备
I am going to ascertain the truth. 我将弄清事实真象。
Is the exact value of the missing jewels ascertainable?那些不知去向之珠宝的确切价值弄得清楚吗?
It is difficult to ascertain the tilt of plate and to segment the Characters in image.图像中牌照的方位确定、字符分割遇到困难。
v. 理解;推测;揣摩
n. 英寻(测量水深单位,合6英尺或8米)
The harbor is five fathoms deep. 此港深五英寻。
It is not for me to attempt to fathom the inscrutable workings of Providence我并不想明白上帝神秘工作的义务
I can't fathom out how to run the machine.我弄不明白怎样开动这台机器。
It also makes the economic rationale of chief executives as a group hard to fathom. 作为一个群体的首席执行官其薪酬合理性也就很难彻底了解。
the occult sciences.Something that is inscrutable cannot be fathomed by means of investigation or scrutiny神秘科学。表示通过检查或观察都无法明白的事物