
发布时间:2017-04-27 10:48

  剑桥雅思9Test3雅思口语Part3范文 :travel话题。真题下载,请:剑桥雅思真题9PDF+听力MP3下载 

  1. Why do people need to travel every day?


  2. What problems can people have when they are on their daily journey, for example to work or school? Why is this?


  3.Some people say that daily journeys like these will not be so common in the future. Do you agree or disagree? Why?


  4.What do you think people can learn from travelling to different countries? Why?


  5.Can travel make a positive difference to the economy of a country? How?


  6.Do you think a society can benefit if its members have experience of travelling to other countries? In what ways?




  PART 3

  1. Why do people need to travel every day?

  I think that a lot of people need to travel to and from work. Although a few people work from home, most have to go to a place like an office or a factory where they work with other people doing a similar job or working for the same company or organisation.

  I think that a lot of people have to travel every day to school or university. Although some education is available online, most people who study have to go to a particular place where they learn with others.

  2. What problems can people have when they are on their daily journey, for example to work or school? Why is this?

  I think the main problem is that they might get stuck in a traffic jam. It’ s a very common situation in cities. Most people know this, so they leave home a little earlier to avoid being late. Many drivers also listen to traffic reports on the radio so that they can take alternative routes if there is a bad jam somewhere.

  One problem they may have is that the public transport they use is crowded during rush hour. It is unpleasant to be squeezed into a bus or subway carriage with other people. It’ s especially bad in my city in the summer when it is hot and a lot of people are sweaty.

  3. Some people say that daily journeys like these will not be so common in the future. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

  I think they are right. I am convinced that more and more people will work from home in the future. I mean, I think technology will be increasingly used in the future and that this technology will allow people to work from anywhere.

  I think it’ s a common opinion, but I do not believe it will happen. For many companies and organisations, it is simply better to have employees located together rather than having each at home. For people who work in factories and in agriculture, I am sure that they will still have to make journeys to and from work.

  4. What do you think people can learn from travelling to different countries? Why?

  They can learn so many things! First of all, there is the culture. They can see how people from other countries do things differently. They might even be able to take some of these ideas home and use them there. They can also learn some of the language. Obviously, if they only go there for a holiday, the opportunity is limited, but it can still be useful.

  I think that they can learn to deal with unfamiliar situations — even problematic ones. Going to a foreign country can be very stressful, even if the country’ s culture is similar to your own. When I went to Singapore, it was quite different, even though most of the people there are ethnic Chinese. If you have problems, perhaps you can learn to overcome them calmly and you may even find them funny when you look back on them.

  5. Can travel make a positive difference to the economy of a country? How? Yes, I do. The tourist industry in many countries employs a lot of people. The tourists often spend a lot of money when they travel — on transport, accommodation, food and souvenirs. This is why so many countries encourage tourism and often have an organisation that promotes tourism to their countries.

  Yes, I do. If a country has good transport systems it makes it easy for people and goods to be moved around the country. This is essential for industry and for agriculture. In cities, you need a good transport system to make sure that people can get to and from work easily.

  6. Do you think a society can benefit if its members have experience of travelling to other countries? In what ways?

  I do. I think it can benefit a country because it allows people to see how things are done in other places. They might see ways to improve their own countries when they return. Travelling to other countries also means meeting foreign people, so that can be a great way to exchange ideas and opinions. This is one reason why many international companies like to organise meetings with personnel from different countries.

  I think that it is clear that people travelling to other places can provide benefits for their home countries. They can find business connections and when diplomats travel to foreign countries it can help to establish good relations with them. When tourists go to foreign countries, they might make good friends with some of the people they meet.

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