
发布时间:2017-03-14 15:40




  PART 3

  1. What do you think makes someone a good friend to a whole family?


  2. Do you think we meet different kinds of friend at different stages of our lives? In what ways are these types of friend different?

  在人生的不同时期,你会遇到不同类型的朋友。比如,小时候会在玩耍中遇到自己的玩伴,成 长中会在学习生活里遇到指导自己的老师、帮助自己的朋友等,工作中会遇到指点自己的贵人、 热情帮助的同事等。

  3. How easy is it to make friends with people from a different age group?



  4. Do you think it is possible to be friends with someone if you never meet them in person?




  5. Is this real friendship?


  6. What kind of influence can friends have on our lives?

  朋友对自己的影响是多方面的,在心情低落时,朋友的鼓励能够振奋你的精神,助你走出低谷 ; 心情喜悦时,朋友能够和你分享快乐,共同庆祝;犹豫不决时,朋友能够帮你分析事态,做出 选择 ;做错事情时,朋友能够及时指出,帮你改正。总之,朋友在人们的生活中是不可缺少的。

  7. How important would you say it is to have friend from different cultures?







  1. What do you think makes someone a good friend to a whole family?

  Wow, this is indeed difficult to answer. People would have a whole lot of different ideas when they look at it through their own perspectives. I can’t guarantee I can give a satisfying answer, but I guess a person would be surely considered as my family friend if he/she has helped my family when we are in great needs.

  People become friends for many different reasons. But what make someone a family friend often has something special, like helping to look after the old, extending a helping hand when the family is in great danger and stuffs like this.

  2. Do you think we meet different kinds of friend at different stages of our lives? In what ways are these types of friend different?

  I guess so. We all had playmates when we were young. Then when we grow up a little, we had teachers who can guide our life and study, buddies who can share the joy and sorrow of our heart. When we go to work, we had friends who could really help us in need, as well as fair weather friend. Anyway, this is just part of life. People change as you age, and your world will never be the same again.

  I don’t think so. No matter what stage you are at, you always have true friends and fair weather friends at the same time, but you wouldn’t be able to tell, not until the time of test, which is when you need some help. Yes, it proves the saying“a friend in need is a friend indeed”.

  3. How easy is it to make friends with people from a different age group?

  It’s generally believed to be true that the more age difference between two people, the more difficult it is for them to become friends, considering their discrepant ways of thinking and language patterns. The biggest problem might just lie in communication.

  I guess it shouldn’t be a big problem as long as they share the same interest, same hobby. There are countless numbers of examples in proof of this. Just like love transcends cultures, friendship also transcends ages.

  4. Do you think it is possible to be friends with someone if you never meet them in person?

  Well, there are examples where people become really good friends through the Internet and emails. Plus a lot of people have once had pen pals and kept that relationship for quite a long time. So I believe it’s totally possible.

  I never doubt the possibility of becoming friends over internet. I even call it digital friendship. But there are admittedly lots of dangers. So caution must be used when you want to try it out.

  5. Is this real friendship?

  Well, yes and no. Yes, because as long as their relationship is true and cordial, it is considered friendship. No, because it is still different from the conventional type.

  Like an old saying puts it“the benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom”, different people have different judgment. Well, I would like not to judge, lest me myself is judged.

  6. What kind of influence can friends have on our lives?

  Friends influence our lives in many different ways. First, everyone needs friends. They cheer you up when you feel down; they share your joys and sorrows; they help you out of troubles; they point out your mistake when you don’t feel like admitting it. Anyway, friends are an indispensable part in life.

  You may not realize to what extent friends may influence you. Friends add meaning to our life, they enrich our experiences, bring joy, and share our problems. If there were a fourth need besides food, water, and shelter, we could say it would be the need for human interaction, closeness, and friendships.

  7. How important would you say it is to have friend from different cultures?

  I always feel blessed enough to have had the opportunity to interact with people from many different cultures. Though sometimes we struggle because I don’t know enough about their customs, religion, laws or culture and sometimes say or do ‘wrong’ things, it’s ever a good experience to learn new things about other cultures. Despite the differences, I love all them and they also love me — that’s what matters.

  It’s a good thing to have friends from different cultures in that they teach you to look at the world through a“bigger”perspective. It’s also a good opportunity to reflect upon ourselves and our own cultures, and helps to get rid of our cultural bias when we look at or do things.













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