
  • 雅思/托福全封闭培训班
  • 2019SAT香港、越南考团









1.“...but now it's been redeveloped into a buzzing, vibrant area of the city, which is also home to one of the city's fastest growing communities.(但是现在这里已经重新发展成为一个人气旺且有活力的区域,同时这里也是人口增长最快的群体聚集地。)”其中which引导的定语从句用来修饰前面的area; be home to sth.意为“是…的故乡”。

2.“...but now graduates embarking on careers in the worlds of fashion and design are buying up the new apartments recently built here to replace the small houses where the market workers used to live.(但是现在,那些从事时尚和设计专业的毕业生买了很多新建在这里的住房, 取代了之前市场工人们住的小房子。)”想要弄懂这句话,关键是要学会划分句子成分,找出主干信息“graduates are buying up new apartments to replace small houses”。

3.“This year they've been asked to design an outfit based on ideas from the music and technology that's part of their everyday life,using both natural and man-made fibers.(今年参赛选手需要同时用天然纤维和人造纤维设计一件服装,设计灵感需来自于日常生活中的元素,比如音乐和科技。)”其中based on意为“基于”;using both…and…为分词结构作后置定语,起到一个补充说明的作用。


Question 11 答案 A

听前预测:定位词most rapidly-growing;提示词 residents。

题目解析:我们首先听到了定位词的同义替换“fastest-growing communities”然后听到了B选项中的信息,但是接下来的转折连词but告诉我们B为干扰信息,应该排除掉;紧接着正确答案对应的信息出现了“but now graduates…are buying up the new apartments …,其中 “ graduates embarking on...”对应A选项的“young professional people”,“buying new apartments”说明他们住在这里,对应题干residents,因此答案选A.此外,C选项的对应信息出现在replace之后,应予以排除。

Question 12 答案 C

听前预测:定位词the side streets ;提示词recommends、for,其中for (因为)后接的是原因。

题目解析:我们在定位词side streets之后直接听到了答案“are great places for finding original pictures, jewelry and ceramics…as well as local produce...",其中great places 对应题干recommend,“pictures,jewelry and ceramics”都对应的是C选项中的“arts and crafts”,因此答案为C。后面虽然出现了tourists from all over the world和the oldest buildings,分别对应A中的international和B中的 historical buildings,但均与题干recommend无关,所以排除。

Question 13 答案 B

听前预测:定位词 Young Fashion competition;提示词clothes、design、must。

题目解析:在轻松找到定位词之后,我们听到了“This year they've been asked to design an outfit based on ideas from the music and technology that's part of their everyday life, using both natural and man-made fibers” 其中 be asked to 对应题干 must, outfit 对应题干clothes,based on ideas from 对应 B 选项的 inspired by,part of their everyday life对应B选项的 aspects of contemporary culture,因此答案为 B.另外,通过“using both...”可以排除掉C选项。

Question 14 答案 B

听前预测:定位词car parking;提示词 free、some car parks、if。

题目解析:我们在定位词之后首先听到了A选项的对应信息,但该段没有提到收费的问题,它只是讲在路边停一、两个小时是可以的,所以排除A ;接下来我们听到“if you can present a receipt from one of the local stores, you'11 not be charged at all”,其中 not be charged 对应题干free, a receipt from stores 对应 B 选项的 buy something in the shops,因为需要购买东西才能有收据,因此答案为B。此外, 文章后面还提到了 “after 6 pm”,对应C选项的in the evenings,但是a flat rate 告诉我们它并非免费,所以排除C。

Questions 15-20


Questions 15 答案 H

题目解析:The Reynolds House之后首先听到“If's on the north side of Crawley Road ,先把答案锁定在G/H/I中,然后听到“next to the footpath that leads to the public gardens”,找到H旁边的人行道,对应footpath,因此正确答案为H。

Question 16 答案 C

题目解析:The Thumb 出现后,我们听到 “You'll see it on Hill Road, across the road from the Bank.”首先通过on Hill Road将答案范围锁定在C/A/B/E中,然后通过和Bank的相对位置确定答案是C。

Question 17 答案 F

题目解析:在 Museum 出现后,我们首先听到“It's on the east side of the Sheepmarket,on City Road.”可以将答案锁定在B/F/E/I中,然后通过“it's on the other side of the road from the public gardens”,可以判断 Museum 和 Public Gardens的位置关系应该为City Road不同的两边,再结合“facing the junction with Hill Road”(朝向与Hill Road交叉的路口)可以确定答案是F。

Question 18 答案 G

题目解析:定位词出现后,我们先听到“is on a little road that leads off Station Square”,找到Station Square旁边的小路,然后通过后面的“ends at”和“it doesn't go anywhere else”,可以确定这条路就是到G就终止的小路,因此答案为G。

Question 19 答案 I

题目解析:定位词出现后,我们先听到“It’s on City Road, near the junction with Crawley Road”,可以将答案锁定在I和H中,然后我们听到“onthe same side of the road as the public gardens ”,因此答案为 I。

Question 20 答案 B

题目解析:定位词出现后,我们先听到“You need to from Crawley Road up through Station Square and east along Hill Road until you get to small winding road turning off”这句话的意思是“你需要从Crawley Road往上走,穿过station Square,然后沿着Hill Road往东走,直到你达到一条蜿蜒曲折的小路。”这个时候,我们来到了地图右上角的位置,我们又听到了 “Go up there and it's on your right”,在我们右手边的只有B,因此正确答案为B。而且听力中还提醒我们“if you get to City Road you've gone too far”,这说明目的地在我们达到aty Road之前。





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