
  • 雅思/托福全封闭培训班
  • 2019SAT香港、越南考团





♦ 谈话场景:介绍场景

♦ 人物关系:旅游公司负责人

♦ 谈话话題:培训旅游公司的客户情况和产品内容

"The fewest holidays are taken by the 31 to 42-year-olds, and that figure shows no sign of rising. (31岁到42岁的人参加旅行的人数最少,而且这个数字没有增长的迹象。)"其中holidays are taken by 为 take holidays 的被动形式;figure 意为“数据”;show no sign of sth.意为“没有什么的迹象”。

“As far as the 43 to 54-year-olds are concerned, bookings there are steady, but I have to say we haven’t seen the increase we expected. (至于43—54岁的群体,旅游预定量比较稳定,我不得不说我们并没有看到我们所期待的增长。)”其中as far as sb. is concerned;意为“就某人而言”;we expected省略掉了that,在此为一个定语从句,修饰the increase。

“They’re not necessarily cheaper than ordinary holidays, often the opposite (它们不一定比常规的旅游便宜,很多时候它们甚至更贵。)其中not necessarily意为“不一定”;这里they指代前面出现过的activity holidays ; the opposite在这里是一个省略的用法,完整的意思是 “ordinary holidays are cheaper than activity holidays”。

“....it's the chance to create lasting relationships with other like-minded people that's the main draw.(最吸引他们的地方是与其他志同道合的人发展长久友谊的机会。)”这句话的主干是“it’s the chance that’s the main draw”,这是一个强调句,一般强调句的句型为it is sth.that...,其中main draw在此意为“主要吸引力”。

“...they’re very popular with clients of all abilities from beginners onwards.(这些假期在各种层次的客户群体中都很受欢迎,从初学者到玩家。)”其中they指代painting holidays;from beginners onwards相当于from beginners to experienced clients,这里onwards意为“从入门者级别往上走”。

“As well as improving general fitness, clients find that they end up losing much ofthe stress they've built up in their daily lives.(在提升身体素质的同时,我们的客户发现他们在假期结束时还能意外地将日常生活中积累起来的压力抛之脑后。)” 其中点需要理解的表达是是end up doing sth.,该词组意为“结果却……(表山乎意料)”。


Questions 11 -12 答案 D & E

听前预测:定位词BC Travel;提示词age groups、increasingnumber。这两道题目重点在于听每一个选项对应的年龄段的人数是否有表示增长的趋势。

题目解析:首先我们听到E选项的over 65s是“increasing steadiiy year on year”,因此 E 为正确答案;接下来我们听到B选项是“no sign of rising”,所以B排除;之后的A选项说的是“seen the biggest drop”,与increase相反,所以A排除;然后在转折连词whereas之后我们听到D选项有“a noticeable growth”,因此D为正确答案;最后我们听到C选项“bookings there are steady”,不增不减,所以C也排除。

Questions 13-14 答案 A & C

听前预测:定位词activity holidays;提不词popularity、main reasons。这五个选项的核心信息都为动词词组,应重点关注,且注意同义替换。

题目解析:首先我们听到 “just for the thrill of it”,对应 D选项的 “excited by the risk involved”,但是这个说的是adventure holidays,所以排除D;接下来我们听到和钱有关的信息 “They’re not necessarily cheaper than ordinary holidays, often the opposite, in fact”,说明性价比高并不是activity holidays的优点,所以排除E ; 然后我们在转折词but之后听到了个正确答案“which gives an opportunity for clients to find out more about the local people and customs”,对应 C 选项 “learn about a different culture'因此选项C正确;接下来虽然出现了 B选项的 “develop a new skill”,但是通过后面的 “but clients say that more than this” 可排除B(but之前的为干扰信息,另外XmorethanY中X正确,Y错误);最后 “create lasting relationships with other like-minded people” 对应 A 选项的 “make new friends”,因此选项A也正确。

Question 15 答案 C

听前预测:定位词 paint丨ngholidays、BC Travel;提示词 plan、 expand、 how。

题目解析;我们在听到定位词 painting holidays之后先听到了 “they're very popular with clients of all abilities from beginners onwards”,这就说明目前的课程已经能照顾到所有水平的学生,所以B排除;然后我们听到“and five additional ones will be joining us this year”,这里this指代的是前面的artist,对应C选项的teachers, five additional对应more,因此答案为C。

Question 16 答案 B

听前预测:定位词cooking holidays;提不词unusual。

题目解析:我们在定位词cooking holidays之后直接听到答案出现在了转折连词but之后: “but we focus on dishes from a great many different ones”,其中 ones 指代前面出现过的countries,这句话刚好对应B选项的international focus,因此答案选B。后面先听到了 A选项对应的“emphasis on…organic ingredients ”,但是"that’s more or less a given nowadays”的意思是“这个很多餐馆都在做'所以不符合题干 unusual,排除 A 选项;最后提到 “there are generally some meat-free recipes included”,虽然 meat-free 和 vegetarian 对应,但是 generally 与 mainly 矛盾,所以以C排除。

Question 17答案A

听前预测:定位词 photography holidays;提不词 say about。

题目解析:在出现定位词后,我们先听到 “clients can have one-on-one tuition duj holiday”,其中 one-on-one 对应 individual,have 对应 receive,因此 A 为案。需要注意的是这串.的tuition并非“学费”之意,而是“指导”;后还听到 “excursions are arranged with fijlly-trained guides”,和 B 选项除了一词重复外,意思并不一致,所以可以排除。

Question 18 答案 stress


题目解析:我们先是听到了 18题上面信息中的关键词 programme,然后听到 also £ 替换as well as,然后答案就出现了 losing much of the stress,其中lose对上 reduce,因此答案为stress。

Question 19 答案 weight

听前预测:定位词Greece;提示词control、main focus,此处应填名词。

题目解析:在定位词 Greece出现后,答案马上出现,具体对应信息为 “we have, week holiday for clients who want to do something about their weight”,其 something about 对应 control,因此答案为 weight。

Question 20 答案 families

听前预测:定位词specially designed;提示词one holiday,此处应填名词。

题目解析::我们在逻辑词finally出现后确定到后一段,然后先听到了“different roultes according to people’s ability' 对应的是 20 题 I:面的 “wide variety of levels’ 接下来答案对应倍息就山现了:“We offer one which is tailored to the needs of families”,其中 be tailored to 意为“为......量身定做”,对应题干specially designed因此答案为families.





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