
  • 雅思/托福全封闭培训班
  • 2019SAT香港、越南考团




题目:The maps below show the centre of a small town called Islip as it is now, and plans for its development. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.


► ► 要点

1. 根据考生的理解,考生需要描述两张图的重大变化;

2. 考生还需要对不同对象进行方位的描写、面积变化、以及相对位置等。

► ► 错误理解

1. 考生只描写了部分对象.而没有回答不同对象之间的相对位置关系,或者缺乏详细的描写;

2. 考生可能对张图描写得不够详细;

3. 考生可能忽略第二张图的时态


The two maps of the centre of the town of Isiip give information on the city currently and in the future. Overall, varying modifications can be found during the forecast development.

According to the first map, there is a centre with countryside in the north. Across the centre, a main road with some shops on both sides leads to houses, a school, and a park.

From the second map about the future development of the town, significant changes can be found First, the size of the centre will be enlarged so that the countryside is going to disappear. In addition, Ae main road wiU be rebuUt into a longer, circular dual carriageway. FinalJy, a pedestrian way will be built in the central area, surrounded by several planned facilitates including a bus station,a parking area and a shopping mall. Another changes are that the park area will be smaller, and the school will be bigger.

To sum up, between the actual map of Isiip town centre and the future planned development, great modifications are expected. On the one hand the city will be bigger with more public facilities, and on the other hand the size of the park will be reduced and the countryside will disappear.


这两张关于Islip城镇中心的地图描绘 了其现状及未 来改建的规划。总的来说, 在这段期间内,该城镇中心经历了巨大的改造。

根据张地图所示,市中心的北边有一个农村。一条主 路横跨市中心,两边有着几家商店,沿路通往居住区、学校和公园。

第二张地图描绘 了该城镇的未来发展,其中有很大的变化。首先,市中心的区城将有所扩张,而原来的农村地区将消失。而觅,主路将被重新改造为一条更长的环形双车道。最后,中央区城将建造一条步行街,四面有一些新建设施环绕,包括公交车站、停车场和—家商场。公园也有一些变化,将变得更小,而学校将被改造得更大。



The two maps show the changes in the centre of the town of Islip from now to the future. Overall, the town will see remarkable dianges during the ejected development.

It can be seen from the first map that next to a countryside in the norths a main road spans across the centre, allowing people to reach several shops, a school and a park. Between the school and the park, there are also many houses in the centre.

The second map demonstrates the planned development of the town. First of all, the si2e of the centre is planned to be expanded into a larger area and the countryside will be replaced. In addition, the main road wiU be reconstructed iDto a dual carriageway circling around almost aU the fodlitates in the centre. Also, a pedestrian way will be built in the central area from west to east, surrounded by different buildings such as shopping centre, bus station and a paridi^ lot. Another significant change about the park, whose size is going to downsize.

In ccmdusion, the town will witness remarkable developmenl in Ihe future, with more buildings and infrastructures to be built.










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