
  • 雅思/托福全封闭培训班
  • 2019SAT香港、越南考团





Describe an occasion when you had to wait a Ioiik time for someone or something to arrive.

You should say:

who or what you were waiting for

how long you had to wait

why you had to wait a long time

and explain how you felt about waiting a long time.

参考答案 1:I would like to describe my own experience of waiting for something. A really special memory from last year was when I went travelling to Australia. When my family and I arrived at MeIboum, we joined a day tour or visit Philip Islaml Nature Parkt, which was regarded as one of the most wondaiul tourist attractions in Melbourne. Visitors have the opportunity to watch little penguins coming from the sea to their nests. You know, that was amazing, when you saw hundreds of adorable penguins come back to their home. However, dll visitors should arrive at the Philip Island by 3:00 p.m. and we had wait until about 7:00 p.m., because those little penguins went back to nests only after dark. We sat right on the beach, and il was a long time to wait, nearly 4 hours.

It was cold and windy that day but it was worth it to bt close to the penguins. Fortunately, the park provided waterproof Jacket and panls and they came in hand sinceit rained a little that night. However, it was really hard to kill time for this long. The only thing we could do was playing with my phone, and chatting with my friends from China, about how 1 felt about staying here.

After 4 hours, when the sky got dark, we finally saw several penguins coming out from the sea. We laid on the sand dunes with our night vision goggles on. watching them coming up from the water! That was an unforgettable memory in my whole life. At that moment, the 4 hours of waiting became worthwhile, especially when we got bade to the centre we even watched a mother and chicks and a bachelor preparing his pad!

参考答案 2: Well, the experience which kept me waiting for the longest period of time was the book launch of my favorite writer Mr Kevin Tsai (Cai Kangyong), who is also a famous emcee in my country. He wrote his new book entitied The Art of Talking, which was inspired by chatting with lots of entertainment pop stars.

The book signing was held at a well-known bookstore in the city centre, and it was scheduled lo start at about 9:00 a.m. However when I arrived there, hundreds of fans had already camped out for hours oulside the bookstore to get one of the wristbands which could allow them access to the book signing. At about 8:00 a.tiL, the line was already wrapped around an entire city block. I stood in the middle of the line, which means I had to wait hours before getting the autograph.

You can unagine, that was a torcure, and th« only thing I could do was killing my time by playing with my phone, watching some funny videos, and playing jigsaw puzzles on my smart phone, and the line moved incredibly slowly. The weather was hot, and the bright sunshine made you feel very sleepy and but 1 couldn't hdve a botde of water to drink!

After one hour and a half, I finally saw my idol sitting there, smiling at me» and signing his name od (he book I just purdiased from the bookstore. Thereforef at that moment, all the bad mood was gone and I nearly forgot about my fatigue and thirst! It was well worth the wait and I*d definitely do it all ^ain if I had to.


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