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雅思剑桥11听力Test2Section 2真题解析


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雅思剑桥11听力Test2解析Section 2

Question 11 & Question 12

答案:A B (in either order)


A:We've also turned a few storerooms over to other purposes, like using them for meetings.

B:We‘ve replaced them with larger seats, with more legroom. This means…

解题思路:11和12问的是目前在theatre翻新期间,有哪两项改变。A项的have a different use 同义于原文的 other purpose;B项的 a different type of seating 同义与原文的replaced them with larger seats,with more legroom 这个表达,所以此题答案选A和B。

Question 13 & Question 14

答案:B D (in either order)


B:One way is by organizing backstage tours, so people can be shown round the building and learn how a theatre operates. These are proving very popular. What we‘re finding is that people want to have lunch or a cup of coffee while they’re here.

D:We have a bookshop, which specializes in books about drama, and that attracts plenty of customers.

解题思路:13和14题问的是目前theatre 向公众提供了哪两项设施。B 的backstage tours 是用These are proving very popular间接表达出来的;D项的a book shop 是用attracts plenty of customers间接表达出来的。

Question 15 & Question 16

答案:C E (in either order)


C:A surprise success is the workshop on making puppets - we happen to have someone working here who does it as a hobby, and she offered to run a workshop. It was so popular we're now running them every month!

E:and our lighting workshop has already started, with great success.

解题思路:15和16题问的是theatre 目前提供了哪两个workshop。C项目的making puppets 很容易听出来,E项的lighting 也说明了has already started with great success。

Question 17



Standing here in the foyer, you're probably wondering why the box office isn't here, where the public would expect to find it. Well, you might have noticed it on your way in - although it's part of this building, it's next door, with a separate entrance from the road.

解题思路:box office 的位置,next door,with a separate entrance from the road,符合这个要求的只有G.

Question 18



For the theatre manager's office, you go across the foyer and through the double doors, turn right, and it's the room at the end of the corridor, with the door on the left.

解题思路:剧院经理办公室的位置。越过foyer,所以应该是在图的上半部分,而且要穿过double doors再向右拐,在走廊的底端,G已经选了,只能选D。

Question 19



The lighting box is where the computerized stage lighting is operated, and it's at the back of the building. When you're through the double doors, turn left; turn right at the water cooler, and right again at the end. It's the second room along that corridor. The lighting box has a window into the auditorium, which of course is below us.

解题思路:lighting box的位置。At the back of 决定了A、B、C可能是备选项,穿过double doors后向左,排除C,在water cooler处还向右转;second room along that corridor 又决定了只能选B。

Question 20



The artistic director's office is through the double doors, turn right, and it's the first room you come to on the right-hand side. And finally, for the moment, the room where I'll take you next -the relaxation room.

解题思路:artistic director’s office 的位置。穿过double doors之后,向右,右手边的间房间,所以,很好选择,答案是F。

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