

2020-05-26 10:49来源:互联网作者:上海管理员



It is better to spend time watching TV programs from which we can acquire knowledge than to spend time watching entertainment TV programs.

People today have already steeped in digital age in which numerous entertaining facilities are available like smart phones or kindles. However, among those new comers, TV is still regarded, by many, as a removed way to relax.


Honestly, no one would refuse the extreme hook of being a couch potato. Just imagine a situation, in the daytime when countless files are awaiting you on the desk; lousy boss are asking you to give a report and anxious colleagues are begging you to give a hand. 【勾画场景的时候如果能够想出多样化的内容就可以增加一个排比技巧】 After finishing all the troubles, you must be so desperate to get home that you can turn on the TV where those performers can say something that is really amusing. Isn’t this wonderful?【rhetorical question,反问句也是个技巧】That is the reason why people today, though being “phubbers”, still equip televisions at home. They take lying on the sofa and watching funny programs as a way to release the inevitable burden from work or daily life, sowhen choosing the type of shows to watch, entertainment is thepriority. Hardly can one want to learn even just by listening to get some knowledge at this moment.


Besides, some who are against me may argue that the precious time must not be wasted on laughing. The idea is hilarious since when people get what they want, this is definitely not the so-called waste. In other words,【进一步对反驳的内容进行解释】acquiring knowledge from TV programs does not equal to time utilizing. This is because many viewers have long been used to setting the programs as background music when they are busy with housework or other things, which means the information from television is prone to be taken for granted. Once they do not pay any attention to it, learning something useful is totally in vein. In this case, 【对方的缺点说完了,立马跟进对比加强论证】when the TV is playing sitcoms, crosstalk or some game shows, even though one does not concentrate on them, the sound clips of the funny thing or the laugher from performers would be the remedy to detachone from the daily grind.

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托福基础走读班(6-10人) 6-10人 144课时 ¥29800 在线咨询
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托福全程班(20-30人,走读) 20-30人 192课时 ¥13800 在线咨询
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课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
托福基础班(6-10人,住宿) 6-10人 144课时 ¥28800 在线咨询
托福全程班(4周,住宿) 6-10人 304课时 ¥41800 在线咨询
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课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
托福全程班(20-30人,住宿) 20-30人 192课时 ¥15800 在线咨询
托福强化班(20-30人,住宿) 20-30人 96课时 ¥8800 在线咨询
托福冲刺班(20-30人,住宿) 20-30人 96课时 ¥9800 在线咨询
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托福一对一 1 按需定制 ¥980元 在线咨询
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托福免费试听课 ¥0元 在线咨询


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