

2017-02-27 18:44来源:互联网作者:上海管理员

摘要:2017年2月25托福独立作文: Do you agree or disagree with following statement that the way of a person's dress is an Indication of his or her personality or character? 题目翻译:你是否同意下面的说法:一个人的衣着可以看出或显示出其性格

2017年2月25托福独立作文: Do you agree or disagree with following statement that the way of a person's dress is an Indication of his or her personality or character?





分析:旧题重复(V2011.05.28; 2013.06.15;2014.12.14)


【理由】: 1. 整洁展现效率。

2. 颜色显示专业度。



  Traditionally, dresses were manufactured to keep privacy. Therefore, many are inclined to believe that clothes serve as nothing but fig leaves. Be that as it may, I cannot agree with this statement. The way a person dressed strongly indicates his or her personality. I intend to have further illustrations in the following aspects.

  Granted that we obtain a little from others' outfit. It is, more often than not, the limited spare time that results in the awful dress style. A person who stays up all night to finish the project before the deadline wears pajamas outside because of his responsibility. In this situation, we are too quick to define him just because of his appearance. However, this situation is rare. Different dress styles basically demonstrate ones' personality.

  First, dressing neatly usually suggests high efficiency. It is not difficult to imagine  doctors with the neat suit will certainly make their patients relax. Usually, a patient in the first treatment will be naturally accompanied with great mental tension. Seeing the doctors wearing neat dress, they tend to have the first impression that the doctors are professional and trustworthy. Hence, they tend to cooperate with doctors, which will definitely ensure the efficiency of treatment. By contrast, few patients would have guts to receive treatment if the doctors, dressed in rags, seem not to be very professional.

  Furthermore, the color of varied dressing styles can dictate different personalities. It is widely acknowledged that dark colors give an aura of authority, while lighter pastel shades suggest approachability. If a candidate, wearing a green T-shirt and a pair of red trousers, takes an interview for bank clerks, I deem that the chance of surviving the interview is slim, because unappropriated wearing means informality at the first sight. What he wears indicates that the job candidate does not like to follow the routine, which will convey the message of unconformity to clients. In contrast, if he wears dark dress for the interview, he will deliver a sense of conformity and decency to employers and customers. That is the reason why In order to deliver the message that their employers are kind and easy-going, we witness that so many clerks working in the bank wears dark or lighter colors clothes.

  In general, by observing the ways a person dressed, we have the basis to get to know his character since distinct people's styles can give us the clues of people's personalities. Thus, I agree with the statement.







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