

2016-05-12 14:12来源:互联网作者:上海管理员



The Mary Rose was an English warship that sank in 1545 while leading an attack on the French during the Battle of the Solent off the English coast. Several theories have sought to explain why the Mary Rose, which had been used with great success by the English navy in several wars, sank suddenly.

The first theory is that the Mary Rose’s gunports were flooded, causing the ship to sink. The Mary Rose was one of the first ships to be equipped with gunports, or doors cut in the sides of a ship through which heavy guns could shoot cannonballs at the enemy. Normally the gunports opened to allow the guns to fire and then closed so the ship could start moving again safely. Perhaps the gunports on the Mary Rose were not closed properly after its guns were fired, allowing seawater to flood into the ship through the ports when the ship started moving. This would have sunk the ship.

A second theory blames the ship’s sailors. A letter written by a surviving member of the ship’s crew indicates that the sailors disliked the ship’s captain. Given the poor relationship between the sailors and the captain, it is possible that the sailors were unwilling to respond to the captain’s orders during some dangerous situation, such as the ship being caught in a sudden gust of wind. The sailors’ failure to follow the captain’s order may have caused the ship to sink.

Third, although there was no clear winner in the Battle of the Solent, a French officer present at the battle claimed that the Mary Rose sank because French ships had done significant damage to it. The officer claimed that the sinking of the Mary Rose was one of the main French successes in the battle.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is better to finish a project completely and then begin another project than to work on two or more projects at the same time.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


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