

2016-11-25 13:49来源:互联网作者:上海管理员




  3月5日新SAT考试写作文章是出自WashingtonPost 华盛顿邮报的一篇文章。此次新SAT首考的作文题的阅读文章源自E.J. Dionne Jr.于2013年7月3日发表在The Washington Post(《华盛顿邮报》)文章名为 A Call for National Service,原文作者大力提倡NationalService。












  It is widely acknowledged that a man inpossession of certain unalienable rights will not automatically undertake thecorresponding responsibilities. With an intense sense of social responsibility,American writer E. J. Dionne Jr. proclaims that civil obligations should beimplemented nationwide in his article “ A call for national service” inWashington post. He asserts unavoidable rights must be execrated. Strategies E.J. Dionne Jr. employs to bolster his argument include a personal anecdote, acitation of compelling polls, a quotation from the prestigious Americandocumentation, compare and contrast, paralleled structure and sincere appeal topathos.

  E.J. Dionne starts his article byillustrating that “ here is the sentence in the Declaration of Independence wealways remember” and “here is the sentence we often forget”, which are theparalleled structures to convey his urgency and attentive concern for the issuethat American citizens should cherish their obligations. Furthermore, hedirectly enumerates that the previous is on rights and the latter obligations.This distinct contrast is utilized to establish an emphasis on his latter pointby highlighting it as a coexisting factor relative to the former mentionedrights in American life. This literal tool serves as a strong technique to drawthe audience into the issue addressed in the wiring.

  By citing a quotation from “the Declarationof Independence” the author successfully establishes an authoritative image inthe readers’ heart that he is knowledgeable and thoughtful. E.J. Dionne’spresentation of a numerical statistics based on the accurate “237” year and agerange “18 and 28” strengthens his weight to his claim. Moreover, the authordemonstrates a personal anecdote that “last week, the Aspen Institute gathereda politically diverse group of Americans…to declare a commitment to give a yearof service to the country”, which provides a baseline for readers to findcredence and credibility with the author’s argument. This anecdote instantlyconnects the author and readers closely which leads to a spiritual resonance.

  Dionne Jr. reasons that not only Americanscould enjoy their rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness freely butalso should assume their obligations on the solemn pledge of lives, fortunes andsacred honor. “There are no quick fixes to our sense of disconnection, butthere may be a way to restore our sense.” He first raises a precaution in thereaders’ heart then offers a sound solution to show the stringent andwell-organized thinking pattern. Subsequently, the author exemplifies anoccurrence last week, the precise time flow line, to underline the viewpointthat “ we do, indeed, owe something to our country and we owe an enormousdebt”.

  Dionne utilizes specific diction to enhancehis argument to convince his readers. He employs personal pronoun such as “ we”for the aim to intrigue his personnel involvement as part of this calling whichfortifies his persuasion as well as consolidates his credibility in thepreachment. Through the careful word selection, Dionne enhances his propositionby ascribing the liability as a fundamental issue. This augments for thepersuasion of his readers by informing them that this is a significant issuethat all people should be aware of and take heed to.

  Following the calling, the author lists thesolutions and the challenges in the final parts of the article. He makes anefficient use of rhetorical question to challenge his readers to ponder that “who knows whether the universal exception of service would change the countryas much as Mc Chrystal hopes.” By raising this question, Dionne draws outprofound comprehension on the proposal. “It’s based on the belief that certainunalienable rights entail certain unavoidable responsibilities”-----the authorinspires his readers to feel responsible for the fate of America’s future. Thisstrategy is obviously an appeal to pathos, calling the readers to actresolutely and adding the emotionally-infused spur to the American citizens.

  Overall, E. J. Dionne Jr. provides a coherentand strong logical argument that all Americans should enjoy the unalienablerights that have been prescribed in “the Declaration of Independence” andshoulder the obligations cross the lines of class, race, background, politics,ideology as well. He takes full advantages of a personal anecdote, compellingpolls, an authoritative quotation, compare and contrast, paralleled structureand heart-felt appeal to emotions to thoroughly illustrate his steadfastcalling for national service.



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