

2018-04-24 15:58来源:互联网作者:上海管理员




gale N. /大风;一阵感情的爆发/windstorm; gust of wind; emotional outburst (laughter, tears). The Weather Channel warned viewers about a rising gale, with winds of up to sixty miles per hour.

gall N. /痛苦;烦恼;恼怒/bitterness; nerve. The knowledge of his failure filled him with gall.

gall V. /惹恼;侮辱/annoy; chafe. Their taunts galled him.

galleon N. /大帆船/large sailing ship. The Spaniards pinned their hopes on the galleon, the large warship; the British, on the smaller and faster pinnace.

galvanize V. /电镀;刺激,激励/stimulate by shock; stir up; revitalize. News that the prince was almost at their door galvanized the ugly stepsisters into a frenzy of combing and primping.

gambit N. /弃子抢先/opening in chess in which a piece is sacrificed. The player was afraid to accept his opponent's gambit because he feared a trap which as yet he could not see. gambol V. skip; leap playfully. Watching children gambol-ing in the park is a pleasant experience. also N.

gamely ADV. /勇敢的,有精神的/bravely; with spirit. Because he had fought gamely against a much superior boxer, the crowd gave him a standing ovation when he left the arena.

gamut N. /整个领域/entire range. In this performance, the leading lady was able to demonstrate the complete gamut of her acting ability.

gape V. /张着嘴呆看;裂缝/open widely; stare open-mouthed. The huge pit gaped before him; if he stumbled, he would fall in. Slackjawed in wonder, Huck gaped at the huge stalactites hanging down from the ceiling of the limestone cavern.

garbled ADJ. /混淆/mixed up; jumbled; distorted. A favorite party game involves passing a whispered message from one person to another until, by the time it reaches the last player, the message is totally garbled.

gargantuan ADJ. /巨大的/huge; enormous. The gargantuan wrestler was terrified of mice.

garish ADJ. /俗气;颜色太杂/over-bright in color; gaudy. She wore a gaudy rhinestone necklace with an excessively garish gold lame dress.

garner V. /收集,储存/gather; store up. She hoped to garner the world's literature in one library.

garnish V. /装饰/decorate. Parsley was used to garnish the boiled potato. also N.

garrulous ADJ. /贫嘴/loquacious; wordy; talkative. My Uncle Henry can out-talk any three people I know. He is the most garrulous person in Cayuga County. garrulity, N.

gauche ADJ. /粗笨的,粗糙的/clumsy; coarse and uncouth. Compared to the sophisticated young ladies in their elegant gowns, tomboyish Jo felt gauche and out of place.

gaudy ADJ. /华而不实的/flashy; showy. The newest Trump skyscraper is typically gaudy, covered in gilded panels that gleam in the sun.

gaunt ADJ. /瘦骨嶙峋,憔悴;荒芜/lean and angular; barren. His once round face looked surprisingly gaunt after he had lost weight.


新航道上海sat培训 开设有各种SAT培训班 ,小班教学,团队一对一指导,助教全程跟踪辅导,直达高分不在是梦。







  • SAT考前模考冲刺班
  • 走读班(3-6人)
  • 住宿班(3-6人)
  • SAT一对一
课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
SAT考前模考冲刺班 40课时 ¥3800 在线咨询
SAT十一特训班 6-8人 48课时 ¥16800 在线咨询
SAT模考刷题班 不限 4天 ¥5800 在线咨询
课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
SAT强化班(3-6人,走读) 3-6人 64课时 ¥31800 在线咨询
SAT冲刺班(3-6人.走读) 3-6人 32课时 ¥18800 在线咨询
SAT精英班(3-6人,争1500分) 3-6人 48课时 ¥16800 在线咨询
SAT预备班(3-6人,走读) 3-6人 32课时 ¥16800 在线咨询
SAT基础班(3-6人,走读) 3-6人 64课时 ¥30800 在线咨询
课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
SAT一对一 1 按需定制 ¥1280元 在线咨询


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