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SAT巴朗3500词汇表 第67篇(附pdf下载)

2018-03-15 17:20来源:互联网作者:上海管理员




compunction N. /后悔/remorse. The judge was especially severe in his sentencing because he felt that the criminal had shown no compunction for his heinous crime.

compute V. /计算/reckon; calculate. He failed to compute the interest, so his bank balance was not accurate. computation, N.

concave ADJ. /空的/hollow. The back-packers found partial shelter from the storm by huddling against the concave wall of the cliff.

concede V. /勉强,让步,屈从/admit; yield. Despite all the evidence Monica had assembled, Mark refused to concede that she was right.

conceit N. /自负,自大;离奇古怪的想法/vanity or self-love; whimsical idea; extravagant metaphor. Although Jack was smug and puffed up with conceit, he was an entertaining companion, always expressing himself in amusing conceits and witty turns of phrase.

concentric ADJ. /同心/having a common center. The target was made of concentric circles.

conception N. /开始,构思/beginning; forming of an idea. At the first conception of the work, he was consulted. conceive,V.

concerted ADJ. /协调的/mutually agreed on; done together. All the Girl Scouts made a concerted effort to raise funds for their annual outing. When the movie star appeared, his fans let out a concerted sigh.

concession N. /让步/an act of yielding. Before they could reach an agreement, both sides had to make certain concessions.

conciliatory ADJ. /抚慰,调和/reconciling; soothing. She was still angry despite his conciliatory words.

conciliate,V. concise ADJ. /简练/brief and compact. When you define a new word, be concise: the shorter the definition, the easier it is to remember.

contrived ADJ. /做作的;牵强的/forced; artificial; not spontaneous. Feeling ill at ease with his new in-laws, James made a few contrived attempts at conversation and then retreated into silence.

controvert V. /辩论;反驳/oppose with arguments; attempt to refute; contradict. The witness's testimony was so clear and her reputation for honesty so well-established that the defense attorney decided it was wiser to make no attempt to controvertwhat she said.

contusion N. /擦伤;撞伤/bruise. Black and blue after her fall, Sue was treated for contusions and abrasions.

conundrum N. /谜语/riddle. During the long car ride, she invented conundrums to entertain the children.

convene V. /召集,集合/assemble. Because much needed legislation had to be enacted, the governor ordered the legislature to convene in special session by January 15.

convention N. /习俗,惯例/social or moral custom; established practice. Flying in the face of convention, George Sand shocked society by taking lovers and wearing men's clothes.


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  • SAT考前模考冲刺班
  • 走读班(3-6人)
  • 住宿班(3-6人)
  • SAT一对一
课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
SAT考前模考冲刺班 40课时 ¥3800 在线咨询
SAT十一特训班 6-8人 48课时 ¥16800 在线咨询
SAT模考刷题班 不限 4天 ¥5800 在线咨询
课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
SAT强化班(3-6人,走读) 3-6人 64课时 ¥31800 在线咨询
SAT冲刺班(3-6人.走读) 3-6人 32课时 ¥18800 在线咨询
SAT精英班(3-6人,争1500分) 3-6人 48课时 ¥16800 在线咨询
SAT预备班(3-6人,走读) 3-6人 32课时 ¥16800 在线咨询
SAT基础班(3-6人,走读) 3-6人 64课时 ¥30800 在线咨询
课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
课程名称 班级人数 课时 学费 报名
SAT一对一 1 按需定制 ¥1280元 在线咨询


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