

2012-05-02 10:44来源:互联网作者:上海管理员



夏天就要来啦,各种水果齐齐亮相。关于fruit 的表达,你知道多少呢?

bear fruit 奏效、取得成果

forbidden fruit 禁果

fruits of one's labor 劳动果实

low-hanging fruit 简单易得的东西、好忽悠的人

tree is known by its fruit 了解一个人要看他做的事

bitter fruits 苦果

old tin of fruit 老朋友




快递 express;

运费 carriage charges/ shipping expenses/ express charges

运费预付 carriage prepaid

运费到付 carriage forward/ freight collect

免运费 carriage free




玫瑰 rose 爱情/爱与美   

中国水仙 new year lily 自尊/单恋    

石榴 pomegranate 相思/永生

报春花 polyanthus 初恋/自作多情

木棉 cotton tree 热情         

紫丁香 lilac 青春的回忆

紫荆 chinese redbud 故情/手足情

百合 lily 纯净/神圣          

紫罗兰 wall flower 信任/爱的羁绊

桃花 peach 被你俘虏          

紫藤 wistaria 沉迷的爱

杜鹃 azalea 爱的快乐/节制       

铃兰 lily-of-the-valley 纤细/希望/纯洁

牡丹 tree paeony 富贵/羞怯      

银杏 ginkgo 长寿

芍药 paeony 害羞           

蝴蝶兰 moth orchid 幸福/纯洁/吉祥       

郁金香 tulip 名誉/慈善/美丽

茶花 common camelia 美德/谦逊    

栀子花 cape jasmine 喜悦/纯洁    

木槿 rose of sharon 劝告/短暂的美

风信子 hyacinth 悲哀/永远怀念    

百子莲 african lily 爱的来临

牵牛花 morning glory 爱情/依赖    

君子兰 kafir lily 宝贵/高贵

非洲菊 african daisy 神秘/兴奋    

含羞草 esnsitive plant 敏感

茉莉 arabian jasmine 你属于我/亲切  

康乃馨 caronation 温馨/慈祥      

荷花 lotus 神圣/纯洁         

菩提 bo-tree 结婚/圣洁        

紫薇 crape myrtle 圣洁/喜悦/长寿   

勿忘草 forget-me-not 不要忘记我

睡莲 water lily 信仰/纯洁的心    

向日葵 sunflower 爱慕/光辉/高傲   

竹 bamboo 君子/平安         

夹竹桃 oleander 深刻友情/谨慎    

金银花 japanese honeysuckle 真诚的爱/羁绊

梅花 flowering apricot 忠实/坚毅

菊花 chrysanthemum 清廉/高洁       

腊梅 winter sweet 依恋/慈爱




the Lantern Festival 元宵节

rice glue ball/ Yuanxiao 元宵

lions/dragons dancing 舞龙/舞狮

guess lantern riddles 猜灯谜

play couplets game 对对联

enjoy beautiful lanterns 赏花灯

snuff 灯花

exhibit of lanterns 灯会

dragon lantern dancing 耍龙灯

walking on stilts 踩高跷

land boat dancing 划旱船

yangko/yangge dance 扭秧歌

beating drums while dancing 打太平鼓

drum dance 腰鼓舞

fireworks party 焰火大会

traditional opera 戏曲

variety show/vaudeville 杂耍

Lantern Festival's temple fair 元宵庙会




poetic couplet 对联

paper-cuts 剪纸

New Year paintings 年画

do Spring Festival shopping 买年货

propose a toast 敬酒

fireworks 烟花

firecrackers 爆竹

lion dance 舞狮

dragon dance 舞龙

traditional opera 戏曲

variety show 杂耍

riddles written on lanterns 灯谜

exhibit of lanterns 灯会

staying-up 守岁

New Year's visit 拜年

offer sacrifices to one's ancestors 祭祖宗

gift money 压岁钱

spring cleaning 扫房

the dinner on New Year's Eve 年夜饭

tepmle fair 庙会


Wish you all a merry Christmas!  




卫星楼 satellite

入口 in

出口 exit ; out; way out


不需报关 noting to declare

海关 customs

登机口 gate; departure gate

候机室 departure lounge

航班号 FLT No(flight number)

来自。。。。arriving from

前往… departure to

预计时间 scheduled time

实际时间 actual time

已降落 landed

起飞时间 departure time

延误 delayed

登机 boarding

由此乘电梯前往登机 stairs and lifts to departures

迎宾处 greeting arriving

由此上楼 up; upstairs

由此下楼 down; downstairs

银行 bank

货币兑换处 money exchange; currency exchange

订旅馆 hotel reservation

行李暂存箱 luggage locker

出站(出港。离开) departures

登机手续办理 check-in

登机牌 boarding pass(card)

护照检查处passport control immigration

行李领取处 luggage claim ;baggage claim

国际航班旅客 international passengers

中转 transfers

中转旅客 transfer passengers

中转处 transfer correspondence

过境 transit

报关物品 goods to declare

贵宾室 V.I.P room

购票处 ticket office

付款处 cash

出租车乘车点 Taxi pick-up point

大轿车乘车点 coach pick-u point

航空公司汽车服务处 airline coach service

租车处(旅客自己驾车) car hire

公共汽车 bus; coach service

公用电话 public phone; telephone

厕所 toilet; W.C; lavatories; rest room

男厕 men’s; gent’s; gentlemen’s

女厕 women’s; lady’s

餐厅 restaurant

酒吧 bar

咖啡馆 coffee shop; café

免税店 duty-free shop

邮局 post office

出售火车票 rail ticket

旅行安排 tour arrangement

行李牌 luggage tag

国际航班 International Flight

班机号码 Flight Number

来回机票 Round-Trip Ticket

商务客舱 Business Class

国内班机 Domestic Flight

单程机票 One-way Ticket

头等舱 First Class

经济舱 Economy Class

使用中 Occupied

盥洗室 lavatory

无人 vacant

女空服员 Stewardess

男空服员 steward

海关申报处 customs service area

货币申报 currency declaration

观光 sight-seeing

托运的行李 checked baggage

行李领取处 baggage claim area

随身行李 carry-on baggage

行李推车 luggage cart

外币兑换店 currency exchange shop

汇率 exchange rate

旅行支票 traveler’s check Dialogue

飞机票(指限定条件) endorsement/restrictions

旅客姓名 name of passenger

起点城市 from

起飞日期 date

起飞时间 time

订座情况 status

机票确认 ticket confirm

登机口 gate

前往城市 to

乘运人(公司) carrier

航班号 flight no.

座舱等级 class(fare basis)

机号 plane No. 机座号 seat No.

吸烟坐位 smoking seat

非吸烟席 non-smoking seat

机场费 airport fee

国际机场 international airport

国内机场 domestic airport

机场候机楼 airport terminal

国际候机楼 international terminal

国际航班出港 international departure

国内航班出站 domestic departure

1.请求对方再说一次 Could u please repeat that?

2.我要订9月15号到纽约的班机。I’d like to make a reservation for a flight to New York on September 15th.

3.408次班机何时抵达? What time does Flight 408 arrive?

4.机票多少钱?How much is airfare?

5.我想要确认我预订的机位。I’d like to reconfirm my plane reservation please.

6盥guan洗室在哪里? Where is the lavatory?

7.你有中文报纸吗?Do you have Chinese Newspaper?

8.我会冷,请给我一条毯子好吗?I feel cool, may I have a blanket?

9.可不可以给我一副扑克牌?May I have a deck of playing cars?

10.请出示您的护照。May I see your passport, please?

11.您要在美国待多久?How long are you going to stay in America?

12.您此行的目的为何What is the purpose of your visit?

13.您有任何东西要申报吗? Do you have anything to declare?

14.对不起,哪里是行李提领区?Excuse me, where is the baggage claim area?

15.行李遗失申报处在哪里? Where is the lost luggage office?

16.(出示登机证予服务人员)我的座位在哪里?Where is my seat?

17.我能将手提行李放在这儿吗? Can I put my baggage here?

18.我是否可将座位向后倾倒?(向后坐的乘客说) May I recline my seat?

19.是否可替我更换座位? Could you change my seat, please?

20.我是否可以抽烟? May I smoke?

21.需要什么饮料? What kind of drinks do you have?

22.机上提供那些饮料? What kind of drinks do you have?

23.咖啡,茶,果汁,可乐,啤酒和调酒。 We have coffee, tea, juice, coke, beer and cocktails.

24. 晚餐想吃牛肉,鸡肉还是鱼? Which would you like for dinner, beef, chicken or fish? 25.我觉得不舒服,是否可以给我一些药? I feel a little sick, can I have some medicine?

26.还要多久到达檀香山? How much longer does it take to get to Honolulu ?

27.这次班机会准时到达吗? Will this flight get there on time?

28.我担心能否赶上转机班机。 I’m anxious about my connecting flight.

29.请告诉我如何填写这张表格? Could you tell me how to fill in this form?



Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!

Merry Christmas and a happy new year. 敬祝圣诞,恭贺新喜。

Best wishes on this holiday season. 献上最诚挚的节日祝福。

Wishing you and yours a merry Christmas this holiday season. 值此佳节,祝你全家圣诞快乐。

We wish you a merry Christmas. 我们祝你圣诞快乐。

Wishing you a beautiful holiday season. 节日愉快。

Happy holidays! 节日快乐!

Wishinbg you health and happiness in the year to come. 祝你在新的一年里健康,快乐。

Season's greetings. 顺颂时祺。

Wishing you a white Christmas. 愿你有一个银白色的圣诞。

Noel! 圣诞快乐!

May peace,happiness and good fortune be with you always. 祝您年年阖第平安,岁岁满目吉祥。

Have you been naughty or nice this year? 你今年乖不乖?

Don't forget to hang up the sock! 别忘了挂上袜子!

We've had a rather uneventful year! 我们度过了平安无事的一年! 

May the holidays fill your heart with happiness. 祝您节日快乐。








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