托福TPO65阅读Passage 2题目+答案+完整原文(已收藏)

发布时间:2021-02-19 10:41

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托福TPO65阅读Passage 2题目

1. According to paragraph 1, John May ow believed which of the following about air?

A. Air was not involved in chemical reactions such as combustion and respiration

B. The absorption and release of substances in the air depended on the gases in the atmosphere.

C. Carbon dioxide was the most important component of air and allowed chemical reactions to take place

D. The air had no chemical properties but contained particles that did.

2. What is the main point of paragraph 2?

A. Diderot and d'Alembert were the first to recognize that gases were a third state of matter

B. Advances in pharmacy and metallurgy led to a better understanding of gases

C. Early chemists had no tools for investigating the chemical properties of gases

D. By performing various tests on solids and liquids, chemists were able to better understand gases.

3. The word "comparable" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. Effective

B. equivalent

C. reliable

D. easy

4. The author includes the quotation from the Encyclopedia of Diderot and d'

Alembert" in order to

A. support the argument that pharmacists and metallurgists were better at studying gases than chemists were

B. emphasize that chemists did not consider gases to be a subject for their study

C. suggest that physicists were no more concerned with gases than chemists were

D. argue that Diderot and cl' Alembert deliberately limited the amount of research clone on gases

5. According to paragraph 4, Hales made an important contribution to chemistry by proposing that chemists do which of the following?

A. Consider mechanical subjects as well as chemical ones

B. Use cleaner air in their experiments

C. Provide detailed descriptions of the devices they used

D. Think about air in chemical term.

6. The word "staple" in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. regular feature

B. effective tool

C. new device

D. distinct advantage

7. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

A. Because of Hales' apparatus, the study of the gaseous state of matter played just as important a role in the chemical revolution as the study of the solid and liquid states did

B. was essential for chemists to devise new instruments such as Hales' apparatus in order to study different states of matter alongside one another.

C. Hales' apparatus helped revolutionize the field of chemistry by making it possible for chemists to study a third state of matte r-the gaseous state

D. Hales' apparatus was a key development in the chemical revolution because it allowed scientists to transform gaseous matter into different states of matter

8. According to paragraph 5, Hales did not understand that air can

A. take various chemical forms

B. be washed and purified

C. be tested chemically as well as physically

D. be contained for experimentation purposes

9. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

"Like Robert Boyle, another prominent chemist of the time, he conducted experiments that focused on the role of air and air particles in combustion and respiration."

Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square [■] to add the sentence to the passage.

10. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage This question is worth 2 points.

"Chemists' understanding of what air is has changed considerably since the seventeenth century."

A. Early chemists thought of air as an environment in which reactions took place rather than as a substance with its own chemical properties.

B. Physicists were more likely to study air than early chemists were because physicists had more advanced methods for calculating weights

C. The invention of the pneumatic trough made it possible to catch, hold, and study air, which in turn led to the possibility of studying gases chemically.

D. As they had no good way of examining the role of air in reactions and were not interested in weighing it, early chemists failed to realize that there were different kinds of air.

E. Chemists were proficient at purifying the air as well as the solids and liquids they used in their experiments long before the invention of the pneumatic trough

F. Stephen Hales helped to reform the field of chemistry by demonstrating that the air is made up of different gases.

托福TPO65阅读Passage 2参考答案:DCBBDACAA (ACD)



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