
发布时间:2017-05-08 16:50

  气象学 Meteorology

  例题练习 3

  (OG1-Passage IV)

  Certain layers of Earth’s atmosphere absorb particular wavelengths of solar radiation while letting others pass through. Types of solar radiation include X rays, ultraviolet light, visible light, and infrared radiation. The cross section of Earth’s atmosphere below illustrates the altitudes at which certain wavelengths are absorbed. The arrows point to the altitudes at which solar radiation of different ranges of wavelengths is absorbed. The figure also indicates the layers of the atmosphere and how atmospheric density, pressure, and temperature vary with altitude. 地球大气层中的某些层吸收了某些特定波长的太阳辐射,其他波长的太阳辐射可轻松通过大气层,其中包括X光、紫外线、可见光和红外线。 下面的地球大气层横截面展示了大气层吸收不同波长太阳辐射的高度。 该图也展示了大气层的各层情况,以及大气密度、压力和温度随着高度变化的变化。

  例题练习 3.1

  According to the data provided, at what altitude is the upper boundary of the thermosphere located?

  F. 150 km

  G. 200 km

  H. 250 km

  J. The upper boundary is not included on the figure.


  l 数据分析类文章,此题为数据查找题。

  l 抓住关键词 upper boundary。

  l 根据Figure中可以看到并未给出上边界,所以正确答案为J。

  例题练习 3.2

  The ozone layer selectively absorbs ultraviolet radiation of 2,000-3,000 Å wavelengths. According to this information and the data, which atmospheric layer contains the ozone layer?

  A. Troposphere

  B. Stratosphere

  C. Mesosphere

  D. Thermosphere


  l 数据分析类文章,此题为数据查找题。

  l 抓住关键词 ultraviolet radiation of 2,000-3,000 Å wavelengths。

  l 直接查找Figure中数据,可以看到此范围波长在Stratosphere,所以正确答案为B。

  例题练习 3.3

  The information provided in the figure indicates that the air temperature in the troposphere is LEAST likely to be influenced by which of the following wavelengths of energy?

  F. 1,500 Å

  G. 4,500 Å

  H. 6,000 Å

  J. 7,000 Å


  l 数据分析类文章,此题为数据查找题。

  l 抓住关键词 troposphere。

  l 直接查找Figure中数据,可以看到troposphere内波长范围是3000~7000,7000~1000000,对比出正确答案为F。

  例题练习 3.4

  On the basis of the information in the figure, one could generalize that atmospheric pressure in each atmospheric layer increases with:

  A. decreasing temperature.

  B. increasing temperature.

  C. decreasing altitude.

  D. increasing altitude.


  l 数据分析类文章,此题为数据对比题。

  l 抓住关键词 atmospheric pressure 。

  l 结合选项,选项分两种内容,一种是temperature,从Figure中看到随着气压增加,温度降增降增,不是直接的线性关系,A&B排除,另一种是altitude,随着气压增加,altitude降低,正确答案为C。

  例题练习 3.5

  Atmospheric boundaries are at a higher than usual altitude above areas that get more direct solar radiation. Based on this information and the data provided, which of the following predictions about atmospheric boundaries would most likely be true if Earth received less solar radiation than it presently does?

  F. The tropopause, stratopause, and mesopause would all increase in altitude.

  G. The tropopause, stratopause, and mesopause would all decrease in altitude.

  H. The tropopause and stratopause would increase in altitude, but the mesopause would decrease in altitude.

  J. The tropopause would decrease in altitude, but the stratopause and mesopause would increase in altitude.


  l 数据分析类文章,此题为数据假设题。

  l 题目给出信息:Atmospheric boundaries are at a higher than usual altitude above areas that get more direct solar radiation.

  l 根据题目假设 Earth received less solar radiation than it presently does,那么所有的boundary都会在一个比目前低的高度,正确答案为G。

  知识拓展 3


  l 大气层(atmosphere),地球就被这一层很厚的大气层包围着。大气层的成分主要有氮气,占78.1%;氧气占20.9%;氩气占0.93%;还有少量的二氧化碳、稀有气体(氦气、氖气、氩气、氪气、氙气、氡气)和水蒸气。大气层的空气密度随高度而减小,越高空气越稀薄。大气层的厚度大约在1000千米以上,但没有明显的界限。整个大气层随高度不同表现出不同的特点,分为对流层、平流层、中间层、暖层和散逸层,再上面就是星际空间。

  l 对流层在大气层的层,紧靠地球表面,其厚度大约为10至20千米。对流层的大气受地球影响较大,云、雾、雨等现象都发生在这一层内,水蒸气也几乎都在这一层内存在,还存在大部分的固体杂质。这一层的气温随高度的增加而降低,大约每升高1000米,温度下降5~6℃;动、植物的生存,人类的绝大部分活动,也在这一层内,因为这一层的空气对流很明显,故称对流层。

  l 对流层以上是平流层,大约距地球表面20至50千米。平流层以上是中间层,大约距地球表面50至85千米,这里的空气已经很稀薄,突出的特征是气温随高度增加而迅速降低,空气的垂直对流强烈。中间层以上是暖层,大约距地球表面100至800千米,最突出的特征是当太阳光照射时,太阳光中的紫外线被该层中的氧原子大量吸收,因此温度升高,故称暖层。散逸层在暖层之上,为带电粒子所组成。

  ACT科学 Session1地球学相关例题解析可:ACT科学Session3地球学(地质学-例题解析)ACT科学Session3地球学(考古学-例题解析)

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